Wild Bill New Member Feb 1, 2014 #21 Great looking bike! You mentioned in my thread that it has a 23 t sprocket, where did you get a 23 or did you adapt one from something else? The smallest I could find was a 30 t.
Great looking bike! You mentioned in my thread that it has a 23 t sprocket, where did you get a 23 or did you adapt one from something else? The smallest I could find was a 30 t.
Venice Motor Bikes Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles Feb 2, 2014 #22 I bought it off the guy who used to work for me... It's a old 'small bolt pattern' MM adapter.
maniac57 Old, Fat, and still faster than you Feb 2, 2014 #23 What size sprocket you using? I need to gear mine better...it tops out about 20.
Venice Motor Bikes Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles Feb 2, 2014 #24 I'm going to actually count how many teeth are on it Monday when I'm in the shop... The guy said it was 23T (but I never actually counted them).
I'm going to actually count how many teeth are on it Monday when I'm in the shop... The guy said it was 23T (but I never actually counted them).
maniac57 Old, Fat, and still faster than you Feb 2, 2014 #25 Thought it looked pretty small... I was thinking a 32 tooth might be in the ballpark with the 20''wheel. Never seen a 23 for a bike! Thanks Norm! Last edited: Feb 2, 2014
Thought it looked pretty small... I was thinking a 32 tooth might be in the ballpark with the 20''wheel. Never seen a 23 for a bike! Thanks Norm!
Venice Motor Bikes Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles Feb 2, 2014 #26 It's definately smaller than a 32T! I have a 30T in the shop that still looks way bigger than what's on the bike now. I'll count it & post tomorrow.
It's definately smaller than a 32T! I have a 30T in the shop that still looks way bigger than what's on the bike now. I'll count it & post tomorrow.
Wild Bill New Member Feb 2, 2014 #27 In the more recent pics I would swear its around a 30t but its tuff going by pics.
Venice Motor Bikes Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles Feb 3, 2014 #28 I just did a official count... It has 28 teeth.
Wild Bill New Member Feb 3, 2014 #29 Thanks, that could be helpful down the road after I run a 30t and decide what to go to next and how to do it.
Thanks, that could be helpful down the road after I run a 30t and decide what to go to next and how to do it.