I remember reading a post about bike computers going hawire but I cant seem to find it? It seems to be the magneto? Someone must have gone through this allready by now? Cant anyone help out?
Sick Bike Parts
I remember reading a post about bike computers going hawire but I cant seem to find it? It seems to be the magneto? Someone must have gone through this allready by now? Cant anyone help out?
]i had the same problem but wrap aluminum foil on the speedo wire and coil wire then wrapped in electrical tape worked great no more interference
What about the piston clatter? Could that be from a leak at the head? Is it damaging my motor? Will that carb give me more bottom end torque? If I bought one could you advise me on setting it up?Your carb problem could be an air leak either at manifold to head or carb to manifold.
What about the piston clatter? Could that be from a leak at the head? Is it damaging my motor? Will that carb give me more bottom end torque? If I bought one could you advise me on setting it up?
My torque wrench goes down to 10lb. Ill give it a try.
Yeah, but piston clatter on a new engine?
I know that they cost cheap and are built cheap, but I'd hope that they would have piston to cylinder clearance reasonably tight.....
My '77 Yamaha YZ400 sounds like a diesel due to a worn piston and bore but it still pulls 3rd gear wheelies and has not left me stranded........yet......
Yeah, an air leak at the head or base gasket would have lead to a lean mixture. I can see this potentially overheating the piston causing it to expand more the the design calls for, leading to accelerated wear. I would also think that you would have experienced a heck of alot of heat radiating from the cylinder and a very white or aluminum grey colored spark plug if this was happening.