Urgent question


minor bike philosopher
One of you whiz kids answer this for the old man. You know you have three wires from the engine,,,,, One black one white and one blue.

So the black is ground and the blue is hot. The white is also hot but we know it isn't all that great. Now

If the blue wire is dead ie no current and the white has current will it be enough to start the engine.

One of the members has a new kit and the blue wire will not give spark but the white wire will. the engine will not start though. He has sealed the manifold, and he has gas on the spark plug. I have a feeling it is an issue with the magneto but I'm passing this on to someone who knows more.

So speak up gentlemen.....
I don't think any of the wires, black, white or blue is ground. The motor is ground. I can't be sure but someone who knows for sure can answer.
Deleted my by me, posted by me asking a DUMB question so don't ask..girl.
I hope no one remembers this.rotfl

The black wire is attached to a ground inside the mag cover take it off and look. things that make you go HHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMM?????
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Looking at some of the posts on lighting on here it looks like the white wire puts out considerably less voltage equalling a weaker spark, but maybe enough for some spark.
black wire needs to be hooked to the cdi not to ground. cdi- black to black, blue to blue, wite wire cap off/ dont hook to anything. dont use kill switch and try it again
I know how to hook up the wires but the guy said the blue wire would not work but the white one would. I was curious to know if anyone could tell him if the white wire would run the bike since it was the only one to spark the plug. That was his thinking at the time. Later he found that the blue wire did work after all.

He messaged me that he got the bike running so all's well that ends well. I have no idea what the problem was but I hope he lets me know as i am always curious.
Hi Deacon - Good to hear that you are still messing about with the motored bikes. Do you regret selling your Happy Time bike? Have a good Christmas. Have fun, Dave
The white wire has a wee bit of voltage compared to the blue. You might get a spark with it, but I seriously doubt it'll run the motor. best to get a new magneto.

The black IS ground. Inside the magneto cover the black is grounded to the motor, and when you connect it to the black on the CDI it grounds the CDI.

The trigger pulse for the CDI is the blue wire voltage going negative.
The guy pmed me and the email came... I couldn't resist trying to help him. I got norm to help since i couldn't seem to figure out exactly what the problem was. turns out he did have spark on the blue wire after all. Bike still wouldnt start even after he sealed up the manifold. At that point I had to leave Him with the help of Norm I think he finally got it started.

Lots of helpful people i have no idea why he would message the least mechanical person here.

I am playing with the electrical bike is all now. If I ever get it fixed to my satisfaction I'm biked out I think. About the china bike, to be honest building it and learning what it and I could do was the real fun part. Same with the weed whackers and now the Ebike. I want the Ebike to ride around for the exercise. I need it to climb the hills, It lets me do a lot of the pedaling and I need that as well. When I get it mastered I'm going to sneak it on the bike trails.
the story of the non running bike engine turned out to be the clutch slipping when they tried to start it.
I kind of got mad cause we were all on the chat and I'd a question and Deacon would be asking a question and I'd get everything except the answer to my question I almost went into orbit I thought these guy were yanking my chain and Deacon's as well I told them if I didn't get some straight answers they were going to be history as I have the ways and means of doing that. they asked for my phone number I thought I was going to get a cussing out but instead these boys were having h3ll with this bike and were on the level so we discussed that was going on with the bike I went to the garage and started up one of my bikes so they could hear what they sounded like well they were not getting that sound so I told them how to adjust the clutch they did and I heard all kinds of hooting and hollering and some really happy people in FL. with their first build running. Those guys were wearing it out.
that was the reader digest condensed version of the story some very happy boys and I think girls in Florida.(^) GOOD for you guys and good luck with your new toy.

See I'm like a college student, I didn't know the answer but I knew where to get the answer. The red herring for me was the blue wire that they insisted didn't have any current.

Still Norman you da man. Thanks. Sorry about the chat thing.
Thanks for the apology but you didn't do anything wrong you were only trying to help and that is what this forum is all about. I need to learn to be more patient and understanding I can loose my cool quickly sometimes and I need to apologize for my short temper thinking the poor guy was yanking our chains the other night.
Norman, who needs to learn better people skills.
I probably never will but I will try.(^)