Once again Dan uses the burring machine to create the flange on a side piece. Once the long runs are done the short ones are done as well as they can... in the middle of the short run the burring machine will still work, but toward the ends of the short run the burring machine no longer works as it runs into the flange already formed. What to do?
The tool for making small bends is in the three pictures which follow. They are hand powered miniature versions of a brake and you can see in the design of a couple of these that there is a longer run in the front of the tool and also a shorter run on the end. I forget what Dan called them, but they are something like running pliers in glass work. While these are the right tools for the job, you and I will need to figure out how to accomplish the same thing, maybe not so easily or quickly, using what we have... pliers?... don't know, but will give it some thought. If you run across a pair of these at a farm auction... now you know what they are and can pick them up.
The tool in the last photo I also don't know the name of, but it is pretty neat. I think Dan called it a "nibbler" and I want to call it "nipper" after a similar tool in glass work. Whatever it's name what it does is take a very clean square shaped bite out of the sheet metal. You may have noticed on our side pieces that at the corners this little bite has made it easier to fit the pieces together. You can do something like it with tin snips, but this is the tool designed for the job.
Specialized tools are interesting and I often think of the unsung shop heroes who have made our lives richer by designing tools, machines and processes to make the job go better. I salute all of you backyard geniuses, past and present, whose names we may never know... the first pliers and saw, the T square, claw hammer... so many bright and inventive minds have given us so much.