This forum is like a stack of story books .

lol and for leftywoddy, i already see what your talking about how everything speeds up, i thought i was never gonna drive again and here i am 2 years later,much smarter but not much wiser and as i look back i cant recall where the last 2 years of my life went (besides school and work) and all the kids on my street that are now 7 playing hockey i remember them as babies when i was only 15 talking to my neighbours, and now they bring theyre bikes over so i can fix them or they bug me all day and cant get them out of the garage when all i want is to be alone with my beer in my man cave trying to make something run (o **** i sound like an old guy already :p)
Spit Fire,
Consider yourself a fortunate man if the neighbor kids want to hang with you. Yeah, they can be pesky at times but the rewards of helping them are priceless.

Time, and the way you view it is all relative to age. Older = faster. That's always been true but even at your age you can look back and see the passage of time; it just speeds up some as the years go by. Some day, way in the future, you'll look back on this conversation, remember it, and understand what all of us grey beards are saying. Guaranteed. :)
Don't mind the speed, except that it is all downhill, and that sudden stop at the end is a killer.
Hey Spit Fire, your an old man already, but a great old guy. Just ask all the kids on the street.

Your just not at the fossil stage yet. :)

Oh, and I complained about getting old to my 99 year old mother. She said I had no idea what was coming.

My mom , like yours , says the same thing . She also says that in her mind she feels like 30 . As I visit with her and see her thick glasses and slight tremers I try to imagine what it will be like in 30 years for me . She sometimes forgets that she has already told me something or now when I tell her something important I ask her to write it down . She is sharp at crossword puzzles , complicated ones . She still drives , and tells great stories .