Things I miss

Sitting in a crowded room and listening to folks chatting to each other - not to people who aren't even there o_O

Gawd I hate cell phones, just last night I was sittin' in my living room with about six others, all yappin' away - but not a dang one of 'em was talkin' to anyone actually IN the house lol

"Yelling our friends names outside their houses to see if they could come outside" Mike? Pfft - ppl text one another even if they're just in the next room these days... meh...
Sitting in a crowded room and listening to folks chatting to each other - not to people who aren't even there o_O

Gawd I hate cell phones, just last night I was sittin' in my living room with about six others, all yappin' away - but not a dang one of 'em was talkin' to anyone actually IN the house lol

"Yelling our friends names outside their houses to see if they could come outside" Mike? Pfft - ppl text one another even if they're just in the next room these days... meh...

It really irritates me the way people with those bugs on their ear (wireless cellphone earpiece) talk to someone else when they are talking to me. Rude. They will come into a place of business and be talking to the counter person and be talking to their friend at the same time. Makes for a lot of confusion.
It really irritates me the way people with those bugs on their ear (wireless cellphone earpiece) talk to someone else when they are talking to me. Rude. They will come into a place of business and be talking to the counter person and be talking to their friend at the same time. Makes for a lot of confusion.

Those earpieces are something else. Was in the store a while back and this woman behind me says "What an a$$hole!" I spin around and say "EXCUSE ME?!", she just points at her earpiece and walks away. Still have to wonder if she was really talking to me and just using the earpiece as a cover. lol
How about film cameras? I love shooting photographs on film. Ive got a mini darkroom set up my closet.. I can only process and print black and white, but still. Its a great feeling of accomplishment. Its really unfortunate, almost all the small hobby camera shops and rental darkroom places has closed. The news media has gone digital... Ohwell. Im keeping it going in my closet.

Also, I decided to start taking TIG welding classes at the local community college. Ive got a real college degree, But I feel like Id rather do something useful. I get the same pleasure out of welding that I do from working in the darkroom. Being in control of the peice you are working on, and getting to see instant results from your work, something your created. Its a great feeling....

This is coming from a young guy.
How about film cameras? I love shooting photographs on film. Ive got a mini darkroom set up my closet.. I can only process and print black and white, but still. Its a great feeling of accomplishment. Its really unfortunate, almost all the small hobby camera shops and rental darkroom places has closed. The news media has gone digital... Ohwell. Im keeping it going in my closet.

Also, I decided to start taking TIG welding classes at the local community college. Ive got a real college degree, But I feel like Id rather do something useful. I get the same pleasure out of welding that I do from working in the darkroom. Being in control of the peice you are working on, and getting to see instant results from your work, something your created. Its a great feeling....

This is coming from a young guy.
Which is why motorized bicycles is such a great hobby. You build it yourself and get to enjoy the fruits of your labors. How cool is that?
Yes, I remember dark rooms too, and plucking the images from the solution and holding it up to the light to see what you you only have to press a button and try to see the photo you took on a tiny, 2 inch square screen. Where's the fun in that? I have a neighbor, in his early 30s, who was so proud of his new cell phone that you could watch movies on. He showed it to me and I was clearly unimpressed. "Why", was my response. He said it was great while he was waiting for his flight to depart or in line at the local over priced coffee house. "But why would you want to try to watch a movie on a screen that is only one and a half inches square?" I asked. He just looked at me then walked away. Guess I insulted him and his new toy.
Which is why motorized bicycles is such a great hobby. You build it yourself and get to enjoy the fruits of your labors. How cool is that?
Yes, I remember dark rooms too, and plucking the images from the solution and holding it up to the light to see what you you only have to press a button and try to see the photo you took on a tiny, 2 inch square screen. Where's the fun in that? I have a neighbor, in his early 30s, who was so proud of his new cell phone that you could watch movies on. He showed it to me and I was clearly unimpressed. "Why", was my response. He said it was great while he was waiting for his flight to depart or in line at the local over priced coffee house. "But why would you want to try to watch a movie on a screen that is only one and a half inches square?" I asked. He just looked at me then walked away. Guess I insulted him and his new toy.

I never got that myself. Why watch a movie that you need a magnifying glass to see. My old cell phone got wet and I had to go to the cell place to get one of my spares programed. The tried their best to sell me one with camera, gps, internet access and all kinds of extra stuff. I just want a phone that takes and makes calls. Not even call waiting, call forwarding, or voice mail. If someone calls and can't reach me they can just call back later. End of rant.
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I got mine with the good camera just because of my job, sometimes I run across stuff that's pretty hard to believe and since I always have my phone I always have a camera handy. I think it can do all the internet stuff too but I'm not paying extra for that.
they still blow the siren at noon here in ridgway, church bells on sunday morning, i will be the last person on the planet to own a cell phone, borgs thats funny!
Cell Phone earpieces...yea I am old school..its like crazy people talking to themselves...and the other thing ..the rude part..ever go into a business,see someone at the counter or front desk and start talking to them..then they hold up their hand and point to their earpiece??...I turn around and walk out
Cell phones, like cable t.v. (or any t.v.) are just ways to make you pay someone else for wasting your time.
Cell phones, like cable t.v. (or any t.v.) are just ways to make you pay someone else for wasting your time.

Amen! Especially on the t.v. I cut my satellite off about a year ago and no antennae either. I do not miss it. I could probably do without the cell also. I guess this means I am getting to be a cranky old man. And I like it.
i've spent a year and a half traveling the country and installing/upgrading antennas for the "new digital tv conversion."

i climbed on a daily basis, heights ranging from 200' to 1200' (in comparison, the empire state building is 1250')

before that, i worked 10 years climbing towers for most major cell phone companies. i finally got fired for refusing to work in an unsafe environment, which basically means, despite all my experience, the company wanted me to do some stuff that i felt could endanger the life and safety of me and my crew, and i climbed down and went home.

i've been unemployed and loving it since march. i don't even want to get back into that industry.

i have a cell phone, but it's the only phone i have, and it's not all fancy or anything, and i rarely, if ever watch tv. the only reason i do, is because my roomates can't live without it.

in case you were wondering, the whole digital tv change-over was sponsored and paid for by Nextel/Sprint, because they needed the analog frequencies to stay in business. it has nothing to do with being a better system, as evidenced by your tv freezing up and pixellating all the time.

here's me goofing off in texas at a thousand feet:


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If my feet are ever off the ground that far...I want wings, and preferably a motor too.
Scary photo Bairdco.

I'd cancel my cable in a second if it wasn't for my wife. She enjoys TV. The only use I have for it is to watch movies on DVD. As much as I hate cell phones, especially other drivers using them, they have become a very useful device for my wife and I who both have lengthy commutes. We've each had mechanical problems on the road that would have been a lot more trouble without the cells. At least I don't walk around with one of those stupid things stuck in my ear as if the world would stop revolving if I were out of touch for a few seconds.
bairdco- I've flown a plane that high several times.

Sorry, I don't quite believe your story about "unsafe working conditions". ;) What could be unsafe?
yeah, my company didn't think it was unsafe, either. they denied my unemployment and i had to appeal it. their reason was "failure to follow reasonable instructions/insubordination."

i was 950' up in michigan, it was raining, about a 40mph wind, we were in the clouds so visibility was about 50', meaning you couldn't see the ground, it was 35 degrees, and my foreman forgot to pack the 2-way radios, so all we had was spotty cell-phone coverage for communication to the ground, my right hand man quit after climbing 200', the other guy i was with had maybe 6 months experience, he was shaking and wouldn't let go of the tower, and we were supposed to take down a 1000lb antenna and replace it.

that's the way i presented it to the judge at my appeal, and needless to say, i won.

tower climbers used to have the most dangerous job in america, now i think it's taxi drivers.

it was fun while it lasted, but i'm over it. maybe i'll sell bike motors for a living...


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I love that 'high flying' work!!!
Here's me on my last job in down town LA. Ironworkers local 433
That's a 400 ft drop behind me!
I miss the good ol days, when you could do stuff like this without getting in trouble!! :D
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