I doubt it like I said they have worse things to worry about thy a guy in a MB
but all it takes is one to ruin your day. or week. or however long it takes you to get the money to pay a stupid ticket.
I'm gonna start including a DMV registration & plate with every bike I sell!
the laws are funny, i see your saying we need a M1 license, but in the reg it seems to say nothing about that but you need a [drivers license] section 406,,then they say in4020 a moterized bicycle operated upon a highway is exempt from regs. but 5030 says a moterized bicycle as defined in sec 406 is required to display a special license plate issued by the dept isnt a special license plate redistration????on the other issue i found that BoyGoFast on e-bay has a jingyi 8 music turn sigs and BRAKE light it works
1. You need an M2 or M1 license endorsement.
2. You need a California DMV issued license plate.
3. You need a Headlight, with hi and low beam, taillight and brake light, left and right turn signals (both on the front and rear), and a horn (just like a motorcycle).
4. You must wear a DOT approved helmet at all times while operating your MB on public roadways.
It all is in the law books, written in plain english.
I know them because I read them over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, ad nauseum, untill I understood them.
Yes I was half blind and cross eyed for a few days afterwords, but I know the laws now. I know when a LEO is bs'ing me and where I stand if confronted by his interpretation of the law.
didja ever look up the definition of "register?"
reg·is·ter (rj-str)
a. A formal or official recording of items, names, or actions.
or, when you type in "motorize vehicle registration" into the DMV search to find the registration form, it says:
"This form is used to apply for original registration, transfer, duplicates, and substitutes for motorized bicycles (mopeds).
and if you look on my paperwork, it names me as "the registered owner."
you don't have to pay an "annual fee," but you still need to register it.
on the same page you found section 4020, here's this:
4001. All vehicles exempt from the payment of registration fees shall be registered as otherwise required by this code by the person having custody thereof, and he shall display upon the vehicle a license plate bearing distinguishing marks or symbols, which shall be furnished by the department free of charge.