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noobtube -> YouTube - Zoom Bicycles "80cc" Slant Head kit on a Next Avalon
3rd day of riding the thing.. I sooo, picked the wrong bike to start out with...(don't buy this bike if you have engine plans.... unless you get a shift kit...)
Pic1: The bike fresh off the rack at wally-world.
Pic2: My tinker toy kit finally came after 15+ days shipping..
Pic3: Mounting wasn't looking too promising..
Pic4: Finally got it in there and tightened down..
Pic5: My ghetto idea for a cheap intake mod..(shouldn't have cut it at an angle...)
3rd day of riding the thing.. I sooo, picked the wrong bike to start out with...(don't buy this bike if you have engine plans.... unless you get a shift kit...)
Pic1: The bike fresh off the rack at wally-world.
Pic2: My tinker toy kit finally came after 15+ days shipping..
Pic3: Mounting wasn't looking too promising..
Pic4: Finally got it in there and tightened down..
Pic5: My ghetto idea for a cheap intake mod..(shouldn't have cut it at an angle...)
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