I haven't fallen yet, but did have one situation come up where I had to jump off. What happened was, I found a throwaway bike in my community and decided to remove some of its parts for another project I'm working on. I pulled out some tools from my fannypack to remove the stem, both wheels and seatpost. I hung the stuff from the rear v-brake posts of the top bike which aren't being used for anything (hooks). While riding slowly, the stuff decided to fall off and jamb into my rear wheel, so I kinda grabbed the brakes, did a trackstand for a few seconds, and decided to jump while keeping a hold of the handlebars...lol
Fortunately I landed well, on my feet, with no problems, but I prefer to exit the cockpit in a much more dignified way, by throwing the right leg over to the left side and then while standing on the left pedal, stretch the right leg to the ground (yoga stretch)...