Synthetic Oil Question

Hmmmm, Just broke mine in with non synthetic @ 14:1 all's well.
Change to a NGK plug and
Now I'll begin running a synthetic. I picked Bel Ray H1R. I'll mix at 24:1, read the plug and maybe then go to 32:1.
Keep ya posted. Oh... paid $9.99 for 12.8 oz.

Geeez. I remember when you broke in with plain ol 2 stroke oil to secure good ring seal first, then improve lube after that. Has this line of thinking changed with improved technology?
Naw - but opinions are always variable lol :D

BTW - I did about the same, broke in w/el'cheapo oil, then switched to Amsoil (50:1 oil at a 36:1 mix) and all's well ;)
2 strokes may be a different animal but on 4 strokes synthetic inhibiting ring seal on some new engines is well documented. The type of ring (iron, moly, etc.), the hone pattern and operating range can also be factors in initial ring seal. This site has more info on oil than any that I've seen: Welcome

Not in my opinion. Walmart Supertech TCW3 is about half that price for same stuff. I've been using it at 50:1 in my bikes and planes for years no problem.

I think I'm using similar stuff. Got it at Wallyworld and am running it at 40:1. If it wasn't sythetic, then I'd have it at 32:1.
I use amsoil saber at 50:1 but i break em in with castor at 24:1, i have used regular old 2 smoke oil befor and i got a lot of engine noise, i switched to the amsoil and no more engine ratlin and sounds well lubed even at high rpms, i am going to run this stuff for the life of the engine and see if the milage compares, my last dax 67cc ran over 7k before i swapped it out, in fact that motor still ran but has little compression.

One pack to One Gallon. No more funking around with ratios.

Check out the technology of it HERE

I have used this on all my builds after the first, and it WORKS.
Hello all, been researching oils and what it best to do ratio-wise for break in on a 50cc Starfire Gen II-A. Then ratio after for 5300 ft above sea level...if that matters...and 45% hills. I just want to treat the motor optimally (it's may nature and I has to except it) and find out what the veterans have to say.

The 2 oils I have found available around here is the Walmart SuperTech oil and the premium brand, 'Motul dot com' Right now, I have the Supertech cheap-o and one quart of (I think I went overboard and all they had at the moment and mechanic said will work great) is the Motul 800 Off Road Factory Line (cannot post links it) It is motul dot com

Motul also has and can trade out the 800 I have for it is, Motul Scooter Power 100% Synthetic anti smoke

Other than those oils, I would have to order online.

If you need more info from me, let me know and will get back asap!

Thanks for your time and input!!

According to Mobil ones website even car manufacturers are putting synthetics in new cars from day 1 now, go figure times are a changin. They say its ok to do so with any motor unless the manufacturer doesnt recommend it and they list only 1, mazda with a rotary motor.
The whole argument over break-in oil is silly. If the engine takes longer to break-in then it will be that much longer before it wears out. Why would one sacrifice early power for engine life?

That is if there is any difference at all anyway, which those in the know seem to say there isn't.
Thanks! I did some more research and I think I will stick with 100% Synthetic. Will also probably do a 20:1 to break in (seams to be the most average ratio for breaking in). Then will figure to regular ratio by looking at the spark plug after doing the carb tune test I saw on sick bike parts website.

I use non-synthetic Scooter 2 T oil by Maxima Racing Oils. custom formulated in the U.S.A. by Maxima Racing lubricants. It is clean burning and environmentally friendly-eliminates plug fouling,ring sticking and carbon formation. It also provides exellent protection from scuff wear and corrosion.It exceeds A.P.I. T.C. ratings. It is good for ratios betteen 24;1 and 50:1.

Maxima Racing Usa - Overkill