Swap Shop Rules- PLEASE READ


Well-Known Member
1. You must be an active member to sell or review in swap shop with at least 5 posts in other parts of the forum.
2. Only post items that are motor bicycling related. All others will be removed
3 No pay pal buttons or anything like that. do your sales in email please and not on the site
4. no bump posts to move your thread to top
5. Please post in the thread sold when item is sold.
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Re: Swap Shop Rules

1. You must be an active member to sell or review in swap shop with at least 5 posts in other parts of the forum.
2. Only post items that are motor bicycling related. All others will be removed
3. no pay pal buttons or anything like that. do your sales in email please and not on the site
4. Please post in the thread sold when item is sold

what is the best transaction etiquette? would i ask to get paid for an item and the buyer just trust me to ship? now i'm used to Paypal so selling this way seems odd.

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Re: Swap Shop Rules

Generally speaking Swap and Shop is for product offerings, not customer service. Specific details regarding payment should be discussed with the person directly via PM, email or even by phone (but if you're not a business phone numbers should also be exchanged privately) - much like the classifieds in a newspaper or even craigslist.
ok, got it , thanks
we are lithium ion battery manufacturer, I just think must have some people need, and we are manufacturer and we can supply different and cheap products.
Putting bump or things like that in your thread to bump your thread to the top will not be tolerated and we will start removing what you are selling completely if it continues
I think your good here I've posted when looking for a part..I mean you basically want to buy a part ...good luck
So if I need an part custom made can I post a request here? If not, where is a suitable place to post such a request?
By all means. If you are looking for something specific and post your needs in the 'Swap & Shop' section possibly those with what you need will respond.

You might also consider using the 'Search' feature. Type in what you're looking for, example, 'Lay back seat post', and you might find where a member is offering just what you seek. Good luck.

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I am finally ready to liquidate some sheet metal fabricating machines I've used for my business and fabbing tanks, guards, tool boxes for bikes. Is this the correct forum?
Maybe some of you remember BigBoyCycles
i sell everything related to it including the twin engine DoubeTroubel and the Turbo Big Boy…
habe several frames MKII style….