suggested creative/inspiried/useful sites

buba here

totally bummed aka bighit on the left coast has decided it is time to shut down and do ????

his site was such a great site for its content and editorial and a jumping off point for so much interesting and thought provoking sites /tumlr/archives of others
his site has been the first site i type into whenever I get close to a computer

bighit if you are listening pass the torch to someone yours has been the best!!!

best of luck with all things
Yah, that is NOT good it has disappeared...

All sorts of contributors, and avenues to pursue, from that source...

I'd probably say it was tops for inspirational stuff.
Well that is good news, B

I kinda liked the single screen dump over on tumblr and you could just scroll down through the stuff until you ran into things you had seen before... and if you clicked on a pic, it might take you to a site where there was more from the same poster...

but the rustybox might be good, too!

hi rusty

good news bighit aka is up again maybe a message to him would prompt him to post his old archive as that resource as well as what comes next
is that possible to do i am no computer experto ???