Stupid Chain Problems

The #41 Chan is much heavier so the bicycle chain breaker will not work, I use a binch grinder or hand held grinder to remove the brad then punch it apart. TS has a three pack of master links for less than $3, you can make two chains.
Greg,thats the exact thing i did bench grinder is the old way & it works great i used a nail set to punch the brad problems since i went with #41 chain...
Picked up my 41 at lunch!!! Tonight straighten wheel, put on new chain, give it some gas!!!


I assume you got a look at the #41 chain and by now realize your chain problems are most likely over! Your biggest problem right now is going to be shortening that #41 chain, don't even try with a regular bicycle chain tool, you will break the tool... I did mine with a hammer and center punch over a vice, I was able to mend the chain back as well to run it without a master link, but you may choose to just use the master link instead. (I'm sure the #41 master link will be up to the job, unlike the ones that come with the kit chain and fail after a dozen revolutions! LOL)
It's important to align the rear sprocket properly, but you will also find the extra width on the #41 chain will be much more forgiving than the narrow bicycle chain, and that offset wont be as bit a problem with the #41. Though as previous posters noted, its very important that the sprockets are at least parallel, an angled rear sprocket is gonna want to throw that chain off track for sure...
Good luck to you with your chain, I think happy riding with no chain mending is in your near future.....
I put 40 miles on mine Sunday afternoon on the Ga scenic highway, those are the steepest hill I have climbed on a Mb. It put a lot of strain on the chain I'm sure but I had no problems, except I found that mb#2 needs a better seat!
The tire is straight. I tightened the rear sprocket a bit, put on the 41 and just didnt seem to be aligned correctly. tried messing with it a bit, after a few hours, decided to put back on the cheapo chain, and ran like a top. I did notice that my tensioner was misaligned pretty bad. So I adjusted it a bit and seemed to run well with the thin chain. When I have more time and the temp is not 105 degrees, I will give the 41 another shot and work with it some more. If you all say it is better, Im sure it will be once i get the whole thing straightened out. But until then, tiny chain is it. I may try and ride it into to work one day---like 6 miles or so, no terrible hills. If I can make it into work that would be killer!!!!

When we say straight we are talking about sprocket alignment not the wheels position in the frame, when the sprockets are aligned the rear tire may be closer to one side of the frame than the other. I understand about the heat, two weeks ago it hit 108 here.
I was having problems with mine aswell,I removed the headache tensioner,and had no probs for about 35 miles,then snapped the cheap chinese 415 chain.replaced it with the #41..
I would say remove the tensioner and get it alligned without it
Will this sprocket work with a #41 chain?

You are purchasing 1 new 40B14 x 5/8" Sprocket.

This Sprocket is for use with #40 Roller Chain, 5/8" Bore, 2.491 OD,

14 Teeth. This sprocket is a Type B Finished Bore, Key-way is timed with center-line of tooth. These are Steel with hardened Teeth to 30-45 Rc.
My answer. Over 500 miles and no problems at all. You will have to clearance under the clutch cover to use#420 chain, but it's well worth it. (aka #40 roller chain)