New Member
very nice!

here's the three wheeler I built runs good
This is an easy carb mod I use for all my engines that I still have the stock carb on. Start by removing the carb and take the slide out. Next take the float bowl off and get the float out of the way, I remove the main jet holder also. put a .040 drill in a Dermal or a small drill motor and, on the engine side of the under side of the carb, directing as far as you can in the direction of the air flow, hold the drill at a 45 degree angle with the drill in the direction of air flow, drill the .040 hole. Next insert the slide and look to see where the hole lines up with the edge of the slide, if you are good it is in the middle, no worry if not. Make a small slot in the slide over the hole, so that most of the air the engine will run on will come out of the float bowl. I think you will enjoy the results, my bike will idle down and run up with no faltering at all. I will post some pic's to explain. Good luck and have fun, Dave
PS: You will not have to mess with the slide needle as much, I keep it in the stock position.
hi egor i just did this to my carb and it now boggs down when you try to rev the engine but once the revs are up its like powerband do you know what could be causing this?[/QAll fixed now it was just running too lean![]()
My bike bogs down at WOT. At the death race, a guy told me that the main jet was too big. He said to shut off the fuel line, and that before the the carb runs outta gas, it will run much better. Well, it sure did. It would rev up much higher and smoother and then the bike would go much faster. then it would die. Still had the slowest bike. What kind of solder wolder i use or can I just order new jets somewhere.
Let us know how things go. By "us" I mean me. Thanks. Rich
met a guy today siad to use power plus to mix with quite a guy he has Kenny B's national champ bud funny car in his garage.I used his lathe to bore and c'bore a spocket for the trike I'm building.Interesting day I'm going to ask him a few more questiones If I get a chance.
Hey egor,
how many differant piston sizes are thier for the 66cc motor Ive replaced mine and went through three trying to get the right size. the one I've got in there now I had to trim an 1/8 inch off the bottom of the skirt,otherwise it would hit the crank, strange it works I'm riding it----breaking it in