Stock carb mod

I doubt that it is the coil box. The way that this engine is kept from RPM's is in the port, carb and spark advance, and that comes out of the rotor. Also the muffler is restricted to keep the noise down and limit the HP. To my knowledge no one has come up with a High output coil, and no one has been able to tell if the coil box has the ability to advance the ignition! I don't have any engines that are not ported or that have as stock carb, and that is how I get my engines to run well. Have fun, Dave
Does anybody know if the coil C.D.I or whatever it is the little black box that the spark plug wire comes out of is worth up grading? Still can't get the rpms I want.
Like I mentioned before I fabricated expansion chambers for both of my bikes and drilled the carberators.The motor from spooky tooth is the fastes.The RAW engine craps out at 23 miles an hour,the spooky motor gets 35 or so.They should both go faster in my 2 stroke mind they both fade in and out on the top end,I thought it was fuel,so I fixed the foaming of the fuel with foam under the tanks. I can see that the fuel is not foaming becuase I have clear fuel lines,so do you think my tranfer ports need cleanig up or should I get a better carb or both?
If you have not done any porting you are at the limit for the one that is running good. I am building a raw bike now for a customer. He wants it left alone to start with, I will let you know what it runs like when I get it done. It is going in a cruiser frame and I had to make a special front engine mount, that is slowing me down. The throttle sleeve broke so I have to figure a way to fix the throttle. It should be done soon. Have fun, Dave
met a guy today siad to use power plus to mix with quite a guy he has Kenny B's national champ bud funny car in his garage.I used his lathe to bore and c'bore a spocket for the trike I'm building.Interesting day I'm going to ask him a few more questiones If I get a chance.
damit egor all this time the dam thingt was running to fat.had to drop the jet size down.003,now Ihave to mess with the mid range.

to **** with the monkey!
Re: can you guys seee this?

this is what I did with mine
I smoothed out the entry & actually honed the bore as large as I could without interfeering with the sides of the slide
it definatly helped
take care

Heres my attempt at removing the lip from the inner part of the carb. I tapered the entry hole with a dremel and a few bits. The first time was done with rolled up sandpaper and stuck in the hole and handspun(firstpicture). I tested this and the bike seemed to have better lowend power.


This is the final outcome done with the dremel tool....You can see how the restricting lip is gone.


I also took the time and did the exhaust but its nothing fancy so i didnt take a picture.
Ken - The mid range is controlled by the needle. I just finished a build for one of the lads around here and the carb is one of the worst I have seen. They all look alike but there are a lot of things they can do to make it better or worse. The cut in the slide is critical, never mess with it unless you know what you are doing, it affects the mix just off idle. The fuel level is also a large effector of what the the mix is going to be, the higher the level in the bowl the less the vacuum it takes to lift it out of the bowl. You can bend the tabs and lower it some and that will have an affect. I rode both the bikes I have with the carbs off of a Yamaha today and the difference is amazing, it is worth the trouble to find a real carb if you can. When you get the mods correct you will love the way your engine runs. Have Fun, Dave

PS:The poor monkey. LOL
I must say the Mikuni off a 80cc Yamaha works very good. I had mine running perfect, and then I broke the mounting clamp. There is just soooo much more adjustment with the idle circuit and air screw adjustment, it can be dialed in perfectly.. I have read alot of posts on the CNS carb (mostly bad) because I would like another replacement.
1st thanx for the is when do I get my jouneymen status?ha-ha.I have an old yamaha 100 may be I should try that one,now that this one is almost dailed in,I did move the needle up and it did help,the motor is alot smoother still spudders a little at top end,good thing I have three carbs to work with,one of them is junk one of the tabs broke off the mounting side where the screw to tighten it is.i have to agree with you these carbs are junk.If you were to buy one which one would you buy,how about the one with the mixing on the handel bar for fifty bucks?I saw on one of our chinky motor pages.I'm content almost----well good enough to put the motor I have for the trike in now that I have the the thing back on three wheels.I'll send some pic's soon.
I must say the Mikuni off a 80cc Yamaha works very good. I had mine running perfect, and then I broke the mounting clamp. There is just soooo much more adjustment with the idle circuit and air screw adjustment, it can be dialed in perfectly.. I have read alot of posts on the CNS carb (mostly bad) because I would like another replacement.

I'm watching a bunch of small mikunis' on ebay right now. Are you running any carbs that are bigger than 18mm? Maybe a 22mm? Any benefit or should I just stick to an 18? I actually bought a 22 mm mikuni on ebay last week and was very exited to set it up. Unfortunately the gentleman I bought it from measured it incorrectly and it was really a 28mm. Way too big. I'm returning it to him today.
I think anything bigger than 18mm is going to be difficult to setup. I would look for one that has the same clamp on style mount, vs the spigot mount.
This carb is off a rotary valve engine so there is no place to install a filter, I have to stay off the dirt. I could find a way to install one but so far I have not gotten to it. Also there is a difference to the two stroke carbs, the others will work but the purpose built carb has a shield in the venture at the main jet. Have fun, Dave

PS: I wonder if this one would be a good one?


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