New Member
This carb is off a rotary valve engine so there is no place to install a filter, I have to stay off the dirt. I could find a way to install one but so far I have not gotten to it. Also there is a difference to the two stroke carbs, the others will work but the purpose built carb has a shield in the venture at the main jet. Have fun, Dave
PS: I wonder if this one would be a good one?
Hey there dave
I was just reading up on some of your posts
You seem to know a bit bout these engines
So just a question
I installed a new 70cc engine today and it seems like its got no bottom end torqe
I have fitted a few of these engines but this one run no power down low
Like i go up a hill engine seem to stall when i twist at full throttle
Only way to get up a hill is to half choke it even then barely moves
Top end is fine
Please can you or anyone eles please share some light on this????????????????