Still dreaming

VR Tulbure

New Member
New here today, although I've been around for seventy-two years. Last week's project was easy. Although the Bladz electric scooter is no longer manufactured, parts are still available, and much to my grandaughter's delight, I was able to get the scooter up an running with the help of two new batteries, a new throttle assembly and additional air in the tires.

Already started on my new project: the disassembly and restoration of my other gradaughter's mother's seventies Schwinn Hollywood youth bicycle with purple metal flake banana seat.

As for myself, I ride about thirty miles a week on my electric assist Charger bicycle. I am retired from the food service industry and working part time at our local ACE Hardware.

I owned a blue Sears Allstate (PUCH) two stroke motorcycle when I was seventeen. I rode that bike all over Nevada and Northern California. Later, with wife and family, we were sailing when we weren't camping or exploring the desert and mountains in our free-wheeling two cycle Saab.

I truly enjoy cooking and spending time with friends and family (wife deceased).

And I'm here at this forum because I have such good memories of riding on two wheels. My best friend, Walter had a Powell motor scooter, and I still fondly remember the Whizzer ads in Boys Life. I also read Mechanics Illustrated, Popular Mechanics and Popular Science. Well, I've never owned a motorized bicycle, but I think about it. Reading what others are thinking and doing is very exciting and motivating. I've recently road tested a Whizzer NE-5 and a Tomas Revival. Really, am I too old?
Welcome! If you can mount the bike you're not too old! (^) There is a section here on both Whizzers and Electric systems. If you encounter a question somebody will have an answer.
It is a honor to meet you VR. Welcome. There must be some great ideas and concepts that got lost along the way. Bet you have some great thoughts to share. I look forward to reading them.

(PS, the oldest guy at the rallys has to buy the first round, so shish!)
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My brother had an Allstate. He pulled the baffels out and I have not heard a louder pipes then that thing was. We lived out in the country and would hear him coming 20 mins before he got home. Welcome to the forum.
You have come to the right place! This is the internationally renouned, most informative forum of it's type on the web today....

Heck, it's better than that.

I am like you, and want to be riding forever... if you still have the desire and health, by all means do what you love! Great to hear from you!