staying warm


Well-Known Member
i live in michigan and it gets quite cold here. the secret to keeping warm is something to break the wind and something to keep your body heat in. polar fleece you cannot beat. it keeps your body heat in and you put something to break the wind over that you will be surprised how warm you will keep without bundling up so you cannot move. its light and very comfortable and warm
I agree with the windbreaker and layering to stay warm....Personally my cold points are legs, hands, and ears.....If I ride when it is cold I typically wear 2 pairs of pants (obviously the outer one being somewhat larger so as not to be tight when put over my "regular" pants)....I typically wear 2 pairs of pants instead of long johns and a pair of pants so if I decide to shop or be inside for a prolonged period of time I can simply remove the outer covering and go about my business....not so easy to do with the long john pants combo!
andy if your legs get cold try sweat pants under your jeans. i do a lot of wading for steehead in the winter in freezing temps so all i have on the bottom is waders (very thin) jeans and under them sweat pants. they work great for keeping in the body heat

Hmm, makes me wonder what everyone considers cold, lol.
Here most mornings when I leave for work the temperature is sitting between a balmy -20C to a cool -35C.
I have to say that this past week it has been beautiful out when I've jumped on my bike to head to work. I think the coldest it was in this past week was around the -25C mark, and the warmest was probably this morning...-10C.
Is this the kind of temp's that you's are referring to when you talk about cold weather riding?

Anyways, my wife caught me with her camera one day not too long ago as I was getting home from work. I posted the video on youtube so people can see what a real engine can get thru in terms of snow.

YouTube - Chris Hill's motorized bicycle, bicycle engine kits.

Hope everyone enjoys's pretty short though. My dogs kept getting in the way, lol.
now that looks fun Chris. i consider cold when the temperature is below freezing. the picture fishing we had to keep breaking the ice off our line lol. do they salt the roads a lot where you are? that is my biggest concern with riding in the winter. salt is used very heavy here. great video to thanks for sharing! the last week of january and first week of febuary is ussually the coldest time of year hear. i figured out how to stay warm outside and have fun. i am going to hawaii for a couple weeks
Hey Paul, great fishing there my friend. I just wonder what some of the dealers who may visit your site recommend for bikers who want to use their bikes in the winter time? I live in the land of snow for some reason this year, which is unusal for us.We may only get one snow storm a winter which has been the case for the last few years. Are there tires with special treds , much like a snow tire?? Thanks in advance. Great site BTW.
Here's my recipe for cold weather riding of bikes from 23-1200cc's

Two piece rain suit.
Bandana for your face.
If you can find them, get those blue rubber "grippy gloves" there is one type that is for cold weather useage and they (of course) work better than the standard type.
Loose fitting layers under the rainsuit.
Over dress, you can always remove a layer or three.

You'll soon find the "air gaps" no matter what you wear and you can refine your atire from there.
Well one of the great things about losing 75 pounds is rediscovering all the clothes you thought you tossed fifty pounds ago.

In my search through my skinny clothes I found a camo vest. One I had used deer hunting when i was much younger. The darn thing fits but even better it is thin with some kind of insulation that makes it warm while riding a bike this under a light knit jacket solved my pillsbury doughboy look.
I'm a woose if my eyes water too much its short rides.
Can't wait for warmer weather going to wear it out.:)
wow nice fish ,we are going to have to bike to a trout stream and fish sometime next summer. I fished for Trout a lot in the seventies and eightys with my wife's grandfather ,when he died I sorta quit for a while.

Now Im retired I want to get back into it. Hey I finally got my Mi registration wasn't that big of hassel as I thought. Also got that last bolt in my sprockett.

Were leaving for Texas and Florida on the ninth of feb for six weeks will try carring my chinese on a bike rack on the back of the Motorhome,hope that works out . I modified a ladder carrier a little to take some of the weight off so I should be ok.

Give that fishing ride some thought.
