Speak of Tavern...Your favortie beer?

It's the same everywhere --- depends on how their advertising and promotion strikes the populace. People are easily swayed.....just like a herd of cattle.

I'm glad I don't give a rat's pa-toot what others think. Cie la vie.
2 foreign litres, not even 4 proper pints now.

I'm gonna see if that's available around here......I'm intrigued by "Fred Astaire in a floral suit"!

I'll try something on a true friend's recommendation over a corporation suit that is embellishing a stick figure any day of the week.
I very much doubt if you'll get it in America, but it's worth hunting around for your own small cider brewers.

Be aware, the alcohol level is often higher than beers, and for some unaccountable reason, more effective as well. Your legs may not steer properly.
Cider is certainly not for everyone.
I knew an older guy who swore by it, but the few that I've tried have been pretty nasty. I've given up trying, must not be for me.
Besides, I live in a county where there's 35 people per square mile, and half a dozen micro breweries. There's no shortage of good beer here.

xseler- The champagne of beers, good in the heat. Kokanee will do it too, with no hangover etc. There's gotta be a wine store somewhere around you, they order alcohol from all over the world. I bet they can order in some of that swank European applejuice.

Ludwig- Sorry you're allergic... have you tried rice based beers and things of that nature? Homemade alcohols?
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Not a big fan of beers, but theres a pair of exceptions to that rule.
The first is Guiness, a delicious exception to any rule.
The seccond is a locally brewed beer named Tankhouse Ale, they make is at the Mill Street Brewery in Toronto. They make like seven kinds of beer there, and all the other ones are crap.

But in terms of drinks I have a very soft spot in my heart for Kraken Spiced Rum.
even that, though, pales in comparison to my absolute favourite alcoholic beverage ever: GoreWounds Furiously-Fortified Magically-Maple-Mulled Apple-Wine, A wine concocted in mine own personal vineyard (a carboy in my basement) Vineas Variabilis Verificatur [Est. '13]
I should make another batch of that stuff...
The first is Guiness, a delicious exception to any rule.

But in terms of drinks I have a very soft spot in my heart for Kraken Spiced Rum.

Guinness Extra Stout. Two very enthusiastic thumbs up!

Rum... have you tried Mount Gay Extra Old? Good stuff.
Trey, I do like the Kokanee --- one of my Canadian friends brings me Kokanee when he comes to visit. Can't get that one here in Oklahoma.
Not a big fan of beers, but theres a pair of exceptions to that rule.
The first is Guiness, a delicious exception to any rule.

But in terms of drinks I have a very soft spot in my heart for Kraken Spiced Rum.

One of my favorite homebrew recipes is called "Kraken Stout" It's a dry stout, that is aged on oak chips which have been soaked in Kraken Rum for a month. It's very smooth, not too bitter with that aged rum barrel taste. Always popular when I brew up a batch. It was a recipe that a brewer out west put together for a national homebrew competition, it ended up winning.
Too many. Too, too many. Ah, let's see...well, first bear in mind that I'm a bit of a beer snob. I will go for days or months without, when cash is low, rather than drink something I do not like. I'm open-minded and will try new things; I'm not inclined to write something off without a college try. That said, I can only list a few favorites (plural):
- Gülden Draak - hard to find and $5 a bottle, but deucedly drinkable stuff. Even at 10.5% alcohol, it's still smooth as silk. Tied for first with the next one below.
- Weihenstephaner - been around for nearly 1000 years. Tastes like they really got the hang of it.
- Leffe - affordable and very good tasting.
- Hoegaarden, Sam Adams, Leinenkügel's, Hofbräu - these are some that I find myself buying fairly regularly (i.e. when I have money to keep some around).
It's not a complete list; like I said, I'm always trying new stuff.
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One of my favorite homebrew recipes is called "Kraken Stout" It's a dry stout, that is aged on oak chips which have been soaked in Kraken Rum for a month. It's very smooth, not too bitter with that aged rum barrel taste. Always popular when I brew up a batch. It was a recipe that a brewer out west put together for a national homebrew competition, it ended up winning.

that sounds dangerously tasty...