Slower when hot

Yes Sir thats stock. Put the largest ends of two funnels together and thats about the shape of an expansion chamber. I will get w/ Dr. Mario tue.
Over 55 years of building bikes, He knows what the prob. is. Tramp (c)
if its compression...would new rings do the trick? i'll tear the engine apart this next weekend...what should i look for? the head bolts and plug are tight...i'll need new gaskets if i'm going to take it apart
new rings and piston if there is too much side clearance of the piston. I'm wondering about the iridium plug? alcohol fuel will light off on platinum it has a chemical reaction to it, and I'm wondering if the iridium plug will do the same? more than likely not but I don't know for sure.
I think cheap china engines need a cheap american plug I really like the champions. I'm running a plug that none of the rest of you out there is using
champion L78C this plug has the proper reach and I gap it at 0.017 to 0.020 I also run a differant plug boot cause this plug doesn't have the screw off brass tip. Using a go kart G-man plug boot that is shake off proof and water proof and the stitts plug wire.
Well i may be cured!!!!!!!
I had a combination of 2 probs.
I put a bigger jet in .75 when i drilled out the exhaust baffle and drilled holes in the carb airfilter. The plug was perfect with this combo a nice tan... BUT
little did i know in the process a little piece of the carb that clamps to the mainfold had snapped off letting extra air in. So i was infact getting too much air and fuel!.
I know have a .65 jet in a fully sealed carb and riding like a rocket. (still monitoring plug to make sure im not too lean!!!) Thanks every one!
P.S the iridium champion and standard NGK at the same gap settings seem to make little or no differance. I did find the iridium plug wasnt as sensitive to gapping as the others. I also am running a with a good lead and boot that wont rattle off as i have been riding on rough gravel roads. I found Moped Army - Swarm and Destroy a good resource also, plenty of info on carbs etc.
"precious metal" plugs are just less likely to foul, and of course very expensive in comparison to a "regular" plug.

Thanks for the final diagnosis, it appreciated by all.
For those of us who are beginners to working with these engines would one of you who knows your stuff please explain the symptoms of a "too rich" engine and a "too lean" engine, e.g. spark plug color, performance indicators, etc.

Also, where can a person buy different size jets for the carb and where is the lean/rich adjustment screw that you guys have mentioned in this thread?

I also have a chinese 2-stroke. Hope you guys don't mind answering a few questions. :)
Too lean= not enough gasoline in the gas/air mixture. Caused by any of several things, least of which is the dreaded "air leak". Can cause hot running and scuffed pistons among other maladies. A lean condition will manifest itself as smooth running, faster than normal running, but with poor acceleration. Another simptom, and common when an air leak in the intake is encountered is a run away idle or an engine that take several seconds to wind down when revved (clutch disengaged).

Too rich= too much gasoline in the gas/air mix. It can cause rough running, fouled plugs and carbon/coke build up. Not as dangerous as too lean. A lot of the china in-frame engines come with too large a jet- causing a rich condition even with the clip in the top notch. Very rich conditions cause the engine to four cycle, where it hits every other revolution and sounds like a four stroke (sorta).
There is a thread dealing with delo'rto jet for replace ments, a quick search will find that.

There is a screw on the carb commonly refered to as the "mixture screw" in a lot of the just an idle speed adjustment, as the re is no mixture screw. All mixture adjustments are done with the "C" clip on the slide needle. Down for richer, up for leaner. Start at the second notch from the top, all models.

When setting up an engine, if you have a doubt about where it's running, always check your plug. Dark black/sooty/oily is too rich, though oilyness is cause by other things as well. Too lean and your plug will be white or light grey. Just right is anywhere from chocolate brown to carbon around the edge, grey center elctrode...but that's on the lean side, chocolate or moderately black is where you want to be.

Always error to the rich side of things when in doubt.
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recheck your Oil Fuel mix..Also ARE you running a fuel filter.

Next Time you use the bike And the no power when hot accurse try lifting there choke half way so we can rule out Fuel starvation .

