sixthreezero Around The Block Men's 26 inch build

I like the steel frame and stretched dimensions of this bikes design. I've a couple of questions that could be more easily answered if you would post a couple of photos of your bike with motor mounted.

Over the years I've put heavier and more powerful motors than the Predator 212 on just bicycle frames and with some restraint on my part they held together really well. Act the fool and they will hurt you and mature gentlemen don't heal well.

Of my more recent "motorcycle" builds one was a complete one off frame and the other utilizes major frame strengthening of an already great purpose built, for motorized use frame. Both include an operational pedal bracket and I still run bicycle hubs, wheels and tires. I like the look of all these things on vintage style builds, and they are a constant reminder not to ride 70 plus mph...just because I can doesn't mean I should!

It's obvious in reading your posts that you've thought through what your building and I look forward to seeing the progress photos.

Welcome to the forum, there are many of us older fellows involved in moto-bicycling.....

Rick C.

Hi Rick, had to take the bike into town to get some gas for the lawn tractor and I took four pictures of my old 49cc build
and the 212cc. Since there is no kickstand on the 212 I used two block to support it. I'm waiting on a new kickstand
to come in maybe later today? I've got a lot of parts I need to get on order and no time to mess with the bike since I've
had so much outside work to get done this season.
I like the steel frame and stretched dimensions of this bikes design. I've a couple of questions that could be more easily answered if you would post a couple of photos of your bike with motor mounted.

Over the years I've put heavier and more powerful motors than the Predator 212 on just bicycle frames and with some restraint on my part they held together really well. Act the fool and they will hurt you and mature gentlemen don't heal well.

Of my more recent "motorcycle" builds one was a complete one off frame and the other utilizes major frame strengthening of an already great purpose built, for motorized use frame. Both include an operational pedal bracket and I still run bicycle hubs, wheels and tires. I like the look of all these things on vintage style builds, and they are a constant reminder not to ride 70 plus mph...just because I can doesn't mean I should!

It's obvious in reading your posts that you've thought through what your building and I look forward to seeing the progress photos.

Welcome to the forum, there are many of us older fellows involved in moto-bicycling.....

Rick C.

Got several parts in today and the one I was really needed was the kickstand. The 30 lb. engine actually needs
a sturdy stand like the scooters and mini-dirt bikes have. The new stand seems to be working out and the stock
one plus the other one I bought didn't. I ended up putting a better kickstand on the 49cc last year after having a
wind gust collapsed the stock one. The Micargi had the worse one I've ever seen quality wise and the Sixthreezer
seemed like a heavy one so I suppose I got one with a flaw in it. I think work on this bike will go through the Winter
and right now I've got too much work outside to catch up on. Mowing this year has kept me busy plus working on
the tractor and buying parts for it to keep it running.


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Thanks EZL photos save a lot of explanations back and forth. That frame is quite roomy with the Predator in the layback position. Did you also check to see if there is sufficient vertical frame space to mount the jug in the upright position?

I like what you've got going on with this frame and motor.

Rick C.
Do you realize the front fork on the 49 cc is on backwards? Nice bikes..............Curt
Thanks, I assumed when it came in from the supplier several years back it was right, joke on me! :rolleyes: I've got it for sale
and a friend wants it. The 49cc has the "Ghost Racer 7G" on it and hasn't given any problems except it requires a lot of
weekly maintenance on the transmission and engine runs real good.

I got the pedal arms to clear the engine housing and the transmission and I am thinking about welding a engine mounting
plate to the bike. I haven't tried to see if the head would clear in the upright position and that would require repositioning
the carburetor along with several other things to do it. The rear forks are wide on the bike since it had a 7-spd. cassette
which I am getting rid of by changing to the aluminum mag wheels pretty soon. This one is going to take some time to
get it running the way I want it. I ran out of oxygen on the torch and I suppose I will have both tanks filled pretty soon to
do any further work on it and any other work around here. The darn grass is growing and I've got acres to mow. :(
Thanks for the input fellas! (^)
Box store stuff bears close scrutiny, lol, I saw two high school girls assembling a mower at the local ACE hardware a few days ago and I give them A for effort and enthusiasm & A+ for cute, but I'd hate to depend on the mower being ready to cut grass.

Rick C.
Box store stuff bears close scrutiny, lol, I saw two high school girls assembling a mower at the local ACE hardware a few days ago and I give them A for effort and enthusiasm & A+ for cute, but I'd hate to depend on the mower being ready to cut grass.

Rick C.

I just came in after mowing and had to makeshift or adapt a Mercury/Jeep starter solenoid to the lawn tractor. Darn thing has gone
through two stock solenoids over the last few years. MTD "Yard Machine" builds their products with cheap components and sells
them high. The only worse ones are the lower end John Deeres. I am going to order a new starter for it I figure it might bet time
to do it and maybe the starter has some windings going bad?

When I first got the 49cc kit and after running it for a couple of miles, the nut that holds the transmission gear and key came off.
Apparently the factory didn't tighten it down tight enough and it was the only thing I didn't check. I had to make a key and got
the nut from a hardware store. I locked it down and used Red LokTite on the shaft's threads so it won't be coming off. Just
tells you that a fella should always check someone else's work.
How much land do you mow EZL? For the last 13 years it's been 2 acres. My 2006 Rzt50 cub took me 2.5 hrs non stop. It suffered a malfunction which I choose not to diagnose. Instead searched the web and found a Big Box selling a Cub for the same price as 2006. But oh what a difference. Cut my mowing time by an hour. The old one was purely residential. The ZT1 is commercial grade all the way.. Never had fun mowing until now.
How much land do you mow EZL? For the last 13 years it's been 2 acres. My 2006 Rzt50 cub took me 2.5 hrs non stop. It suffered a malfunction which I choose not to diagnose. Instead searched the web and found a Big Box selling a Cub for the same price as 2006. But oh what a difference. Cut my mowing time by an hour. The old one was purely residential. The ZT1 is commercial grade all the way.. Never had fun mowing until now.
Tom, I've about 3 acres here and a lot of trees and obstructions to mow around. I bought the old 42" 17 hp Yardmachine from
a friend who was a mechanic years ago and it's getting to the point that it is "nickel & dimeing" me now for the last few years.
That's a nice machine for getting a chore turned into fun work that you have! (^) I'm hoping to get through the Summer with
the old tractor then to buy something different next year. I got the solenoid on the tractor and working. I thought mounting it
would be a lot of work but there were several mounting holes underneath the transmission shifter/speed selector plate that looked
like it was an afterthought for mounting a larger solenoid. The solenoid I put on it was overkill but just to be sure no problems
develop later the Summer I'm ordering a new starter for too. Mowing this over here takes a little over 3 hours hoping something
doesn't breakdown on the old tractor.

I'm getting ads from BB on a big sale they are having and I'm watching those aluminum mag wheels. ;) I hope they keep the
prices down and keep the ads going on the sale.
Tom is right zero turn is the way to go, zip around those trees like nothing. Sold my lake place 2 years ago, it took me 4 hours to mow 44" cut. I was just ready to by a zero turn, when i got a good offer. Now have a newer motor home ( cabin on wheels for us ) and a push mower here in town.
LOL the garden tractor i have is a White ( MTD made ), got for free, got it running, put bigger wheels on it. then different front axle, then different stearing gear. So now longer MTD its home built. Had it close to 20 years, any longer would have to get a different deck, so going to scrap............Curt
Tom is right zero turn is the way to go, zip around those trees like nothing. Sold my lake place 2 years ago, it took me 4 hours to mow 44" cut. I was just ready to by a zero turn, when i got a good offer. Now have a newer motor home ( cabin on wheels for us ) and a push mower here in town.
LOL the garden tractor i have is a White ( MTD made ), got for free, got it running, put bigger wheels on it. then different front axle, then different stearing gear. So now longer MTD its home built. Had it close to 20 years, any longer would have to get a different deck, so going to scrap............Curt
Hey Curt, save the rearend for a trike project! .trk
The only thing I've heard bad about zero-turn mowers is the ride is rough since a person sits over the rear wheel.
My tractor rides rough enough and I'm almost over the rear wheel. A fella needs to lower the air pressure in the
tires and not over-inflate them all. A person use to running a zero-turn can usually knock a job out in half the time
using a zero-turn versus a regular tractor.
One of the resins i am scraping, the rear is going, this is the second one for this tractor, would not be good choice for trike anyway. All cast iron and weighs as much as a trike LOL., maybe not quite. The one to get is off tractors with forward and reverse, they have the speed range on the fender, and is done through Vri-Drive pulley ...........Curt
One of the resins i am scraping, the rear is going, this is the second one for this tractor, would not be good choice for trike anyway. All cast iron and weighs as much as a trike LOL., maybe not quite. The one to get is off tractors with forward and reverse, they have the speed range on the fender, and is done through Vri-Drive pulley ...........Curt

"All cast iron and weighs as much as a trike" :) Keeps you down on the ground with a low center of gravity. LOLs
My cousin has a big ole Harley trike and apparently Harley did a good job engineering the bikes. Last year a friend
of mine came over from northern Ohio riding his new Harley trike. The bike was a beauty and after he left I looked
up the price online. The price would give ya a heart-attack on what it cost, $35k+. I was checking the forum on trikes
and what's out there being converted to motorized trikes are dangerous in curves especially using the 212cc engines.
Best trike differential for trike, sprocket on one side disk brake on other, both wheels drive and brake, not just one wheel. The above lawn mower i described has this type of differential..............Curt

Ya i could never afford a Harley let along a trike.
I hear ya on the trike price! A person needs to use that diff. on a custom build frame, wide wheelbase, low to the ground and
small wide tires. A good tube bender and TIG welder with a lot of machine tools would be the way to build one. The prices
on the bike trikes are fairly low but I doubt if the frame quality is good. A 26" tire/rim is out of the question. GasBike has the
Schwinn bikes and kits for sale and I am certain they are using aluminum frames. I doubt that they are safe at 20 mph.
The engines on the kits are 212cc way too big for those bikes!
I agree, i have a Worksman and it is heave and solid, but is still one wheel drive, have a differential also. But to many in front so going to be a while.212 is way more then one needs 79 or abut is just right...........Curt
How much land do you mow EZL? For the last 13 years it's been 2 acres. My 2006 Rzt50 cub took me 2.5 hrs non stop. It suffered a malfunction which I choose not to diagnose. Instead searched the web and found a Big Box selling a Cub for the same price as 2006. But oh what a difference. Cut my mowing time by an hour. The old one was purely residential. The ZT1 is commercial grade all the way.. Never had fun mowing until now.
I got the kickstand in and got it on the bike. I set it up so there is not too much lean angle on it which could put too much stress
on the kickstand. I have the double kickstand on the 49cc and it works real good on it but they aren't made for supporting any
weight on the rack. I had a 4 gal. tank of fuel on the small bike last year and I never used the kickstand but just leaned the bike
against the building. Then, I found the problem of getting on the bike while the gas can was on the rack! :oops: The best way to
get on the bike was to set the gas can down, mount the bike then pick the gas can up and set it in the rack. The best way
always with/without anything on the rack was to put the bike near a curb or sidewalk, mount the bike from the curb.

I am thinking the best way to keep the weight off of the bike is to get a trailer for the bike if using it to take a jaunt to a store
for anything. Last year I used the little bike for fishing and a trailer would be the way to got for tackle boxes, etc.
I agree, i have a Worksman and it is heave and solid, but is still one wheel drive, have a differential also. But to many in front so going to be a while.212 is way more then one needs 79 or abut is just right...........Curt
Yeah, I think so too! A CVT on a 79cc would be real good. I know the 35 mph wind and gusts plus hills has no affect on the 212cc.
I have to 34 tooth sprocket on the bike and that sprocket might lower the life on the belt? I need to order another belt and carry it on
the bike. I got the pedal arms to fit and clear the transmission and engine cover. The sprocket does not clear the engine mount so
currently they are for looks for the cops in town. The 49cc kit had pedal arms that do clear the transmission I don't know if the wide
pedal arm kit that GasBike has for sale is the same. The pedal shaft is too short so a long shaft has to be used with them. The
original kit had to have the pedal sprocket welded to the right pedal arm which was a pain with that kit. I brazed the sprocket and
knew that the darn thing would warp and had to straighten it. The wide pedal kits have the sprocket friction welded to the arms.
You run into all kinds of problems not shown in the kits but the 4-stroke kits are better than working all of the time on the 2-stroke
kits to keep them running. You get what you pay for, I guess.