Shift Kit + Nuvinci = (Grin)

Clotho - Thanks for the handle bar pics! Our internet was down on the ship for a week. I just got it fixed. The park shots make me anxious for a vacation.
Clotho - Where are you? I didn't know you could send pics from heaven! I am overwhelmed that is the finest looking Happy Time I have ever seen. Everything is over the top, I would like to see someone build a finer looking bike and there are a few in here that are near that good. I think you are having the time of your life riding your creation in heaven, still wondering how we get to see some pic's from there. LOL, Have fun, Dave

Oh man, I think my head just exploded. :o

Thanks Dave, I am having a blast on this thing.

There are many builders here that I think are superior. This is a particularly gifted group.
Thanks for the reference clotho, I found some links to threads with hblocal and I think I have a handle on how to do this now. It seems fairly straightforward if a little effort intensive, but of course the final result is more than worth it if done properly. I've heard of the tank sealer cream kit before too so I guess once I get the frame prepped it ought to be all gravy from there lol. I am not going to be doing this with my current felt as it is a V-12 model with an electric front hub motor on it, and basically complete as I want it. I'm thinking of using one of the Vintage Iron models like the Pursang or possibly starting with the blank canvas frameset and building it up from there.

I manage a snowboard shop that is partnered with a bike shop which is a felt dealer, and my side of the business will be opening next spring selling electric and motorized builds for customers and I want to have one or two showstopper builds ready to go for the grand opening next spring. This will be my winter project and I plan to use a number of high function features like you've used on your build to showcase what is possible with a little imagination and commitment.

It should shape up a lot like your build. I may also employ a front suspension fork to facilitate front disc brakes, although rigid front with a roller brake and generator hub is also being considered. I plan to use the jack drive kit from the Duvall boys and run that through a Shimano Nexus 7 rear hub with the roller brake for the rear. It will be done with a city utilitarian design ethic incorporating front and rear wire baskets for cargo capacity, and a center stand for stability while parking.

I will certainly post pics of the build in progress and once completed right here in

Thanks again for the inspiration and great information.
We are aware of this. He is selling finished bikes in Australia only, despite his statements. So far he has only bought one kit from us and has not installed it yet.

We called him on the carpet about this.....and he said he took it down. He also is stealing other's photos. Not cool IMHO. He wants to be a SBP installer in Aus. He has not got off on the right foot, obviously.
That isn't me. My bike isn't for sale. He is using my picture though but he didn't ask first.

He also has a picture of Datz510's Rotten Orange bike.

I've been playing with this one lately. I ported the cylinder as per Egor's instructions and added the expansion chamber. This thing hauls and is a blast to ride but not nearly as comfortable as the Felt.


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That isn't me. My bike isn't for sale. He is using my picture though but he didn't ask first.

He also has a picture of Datz510's Rotten Orange bike.

I want to humbly apologize. We did give him permission to use some of OUR photos on his WEBSITE. Certainly not eBay.

To me that whole ebay thing looks like a scam and I told him so. Something we do NOT want our products associated with and we don't approve of dragging pictures of our customer's bikes into an eBaY auction.

What pipe is that? Looks good.

Thanks! I used your measurement of 12 inches and it seems to work very well.

The pipe was from a 49cc pocketbike that I purchased at a local shop. I don't know more about it but I can call them if you wish.

I wanted something that would look good on the Felt and be functional with the right distance from the piston. I put one of these on the Felt too. I think it looks pretty good and will update with a new picture when I get a decent one.
Hello, i must say, i love that bike of yours, its what i want to build, using the NuVinci Hub, Shifter kit, oh yeah, but im planning on using a high performace expansion chamber from a high perfomance pocket bike, a Mikuni Carb, high perfomance air filter, Porting the intake and exhaust, also polishing, upgraded plug,wire and coil. also makng a larger gas tank, chopper style, adding a backup tank behind the seat on the rack. for longer trips, 110 kms a tank is good, but i want MORE, i want to get over 200kms on my tanks, the stock is around 2litres, i want mine to hold 4litres and the spare to hold 3. 6lites of gas, 110kms on 2litres 110 x 3 = 330kms overall :D i also got front suspension already got disc brakes, used an old wheel for the stock spocket, could afford the addapter thing from andy, so i went cheap used and old one, i kept the one with the disc and hooked up caster brakes, so, that about it, and accodring to my calculations, the over cost of my endeavor is going to be around $700 canadian, ouch! but oh well, got a good paying job, and $700 is like three paychecks after bills, well wish me luck and just to say again absolutly love the bike.
Hello, i must say, i love that bike of yours, its what i want to build, using the NuVinci Hub, Shifter kit, oh yeah, but im planning on using a high performace expansion chamber from a high perfomance pocket bike, a Mikuni Carb, high perfomance air filter, Porting the intake and exhaust, also polishing, upgraded plug,wire and coil. also makng a larger gas tank, chopper style, adding a backup tank behind the seat on the rack. for longer trips, 110 kms a tank is good, but i want MORE, i want to get over 200kms on my tanks.

Thank you for the compliment. I built the bike first then worried about performance later. I was worried about getting an expansion chamber on the bike with the correct header length that would still look good. Plug wire, porting polishing etc. has all been done. The carb that is on it is a Mikuni copy. It is running really nice now.

My only question for you is where are you going to ride that you would need a 200km tank? These bikes are not well suited to highways. If I had to ride that far I would consider a motorcycle.

I promised a picture of the bike with the expansion chamber so here it is. (This picture is much clearer on my computer. The downloaded one seems coarse and blurry. Does the forum software change these in any way?)


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Pablo, Some of those pictures on that Au ebay ad are mine. I didn't give anyone permission to use them anywhere. i-paint
He ended his auction prematurely. He won't even answer my emails anymore. You could try to contact him and let him know he is using your pictures without your permission.
Clotho - I have to go to therapy to keep my sanity. I would not have to go if I lived in a place like that. I am going to keep a mental picture of the place in your last pic. Lets see if I can get it. The wind is warm, the sun is setting I can still smell the two stroke fuel in the air and the little waves making there sound in the pebbles. How did I do? LOL. I just can't get over how beautiful those shots are, keep um coming. Thanks Dave.
thats one of the best ive seen thank you for posting pics im into the off road but i see a street set up in the near future once again thanx for the inspiration = wicked bad ass !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!