Second time I got hit by a car.

That is so true here isn't it. My sister in law works for a city government in the parks and recreation office located in a very busy sports complex.

Not long ago a they heard a loud crash and ran outside to see what had happened. A Chinese woman had put her car in drive instead of reverse and and floored the gas. She went over a sidewalk, through a good sized rock garden on a hillside and into a tennis court bench that people has been sitting on seconds before but were 10 feet away from since their game had just finished.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police {our local police force} came in to the office and said that when they got there and asked for her drivers licence she told them she didn't have one but her sister did and she had called her to bring it over to the accident.

Her BMW was a little the worse for the accident. Many of our drivers here would have been proud to have a donkey and a cart made from a truck axle if they were still at home.
They caught a driving instructor selling drivers licences to off shore types who couldn't pass after 3 or 4 trys. $500 to a $1,000 depending on how many times you failed.

Lots of off shore and south of the border types here as well; with non existant driving skills. Its not that the cant read or speak English to read the traffic signs; its that the cant read, even in their native language! Im also sure they never learned to drive wherever they are from, because they certanly cant drive here... Kind of like THIS: family guy-asian women driving - YouTube
Yea, I got hit BY the cop! I was stoped at a stopsign ,do do do... WHAM!! Blue and red conenctin wit me! I was the one who got blamed! Whenthe damned cop was the one who hit me
same with a firetruck he was blocking the side walk so I went behind him and he started to back up I was like wtf?? So I hurried around and he braked hard and when I got past him he beeped at me and looked back and they were staring at me I was like how the **** was that my fault?
same with a firetruck he was blocking the side walk so I went behind him and he started to back up I was like wtf?? So I hurried around and he braked hard and when I got past him he beeped at me and looked back and they were staring at me I was like how the **** was that my fault?

Little bit of advice, firefighters are not cops. They can't write you a ticket or anything and only way you'll get in trouble is if they can prove you impeded their progress during an emergency. Same for the ambulances. Just ignore them unless the lights are running then get the heck out of the way.
I don't look very kindly on those who hit-and-run. I've witnessed a fellow two-wheel rider here in town get blasted into a construction site while the driver of the PT Cruiser, who changed lanes without signalling, drove on as if nothing happened.
I did for the PT Cruiser driver what I would do for anybody who would hit-and-run in sight of me: I am a semi-retired PI now working for the local government, in the same building with the Sheriff and the IMPD. I have a ton of resources on my computer. I have plenty of people to call. If I make a good case to everybody, I can pull out all the stops. I even had the local bus drivers on the horn to each other looking for this guy. Co-workers, on their way home, were watching for him. At some point, one of the searchers spotted it and got the plate number.
I don't like it when somebody hurts another person and tries to get away. I tend to come down hard on that.