SBP - Expansion Chamber Pipe

Steve - please PM or email your real name and I'll check, but if you are in AUS or UK, they are on the way. Just a day or two behind your pipe. Everyone in the USA should have their springs already.

Yes you can cut some off the J pipe. Several folks have done that.
Well its all up and running. I had to go back to the stock #70 jet as the #76 was too rich, even on the top needle setting. So I went back to the #70 on the second notch and she is running good. Not much diif in pick up, as I had the guts ripped out of the std pipe and a 3/4" socket in the end, but top spped went from low 40's to high 40's km/h. Not bad.
I did not bother with stuffing around with tunning it, I just chopped off 1/2" from the "J" pipe and left it at that.
I need to make a more positive support bracket for it as it appears to be just swinging in the breeze at to moment.

hey pablo, I have my expansion chamber set up in such a way that i need to remove the welded on L bracket. Any ideas as to the color match for the paint on it. Also, any recommendations on removing it?
What's the L bracket for, ie.. was designed for? Obviousley not for the SBP mounting method?

As for paint, I'm thinking any good BBQ paint should do.
What's the L bracket for, ie.. was designed for? Obviousley not for the SBP mounting method?

As for paint, I'm thinking any good BBQ paint should do.

He wrote:
Expansion chamber set up in such a way that i need to remove the welded on L bracket.

Mounting method is totally up to the user, so we don't have one mounting method as there are so many bikes out there - universal mount. The bracket is for attaching to the BB back tab as I did on my bike, worked great.
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