Replace carb?


New Member
Ok On my bike i think theres definetly a problem with the carburator what happens is the mototr will not start unless i hold down the primer button while peddling then the engine fires up but engine power kinda sucks also it will not idle at all it shuts down when i engage the cluth to idle when stopped also also i just lost the idle screw but this was happing before that should i just say the **** with it and just replace the carburator? because it will only run when i hold down the primer button when i peddle after that then engine will run and the bike will go as long as i dont disengage the clutch to idle
first of all, you need an idle screw. that coulda been part of the problem to begin with.

before you buy a new carb, first, check the fuel flow outta the tank. if it's not flowing, check the petcock filter and fuel line for dirt.

if it's flowing, try cleaning out your carb with some carb cleaner. spray it into the jets and make sure it comes out somewhere (usually, it'll come out straight into your eye. so you'll know it's cleared of dirt, you just won't be able to see straight for a coupla hours.)

then put it all back together and adjust the new idle screw that you bought by turning it in all the way, then back it out 3.5 full turns.

then see if the bike starts. if it does, fine tune the idle a little and you're good.

if it doesn't, buy a new carb, i guess...
If you have to hold down the tickler button you must be starved for gas. It's a lot cheaper to try and figure out why it's starved for gas than it is to buy a new carb.....and then find out you are still starved for gas.
I unscrewed the fuel intake nozzle where the fuel line connects to the carbuetor and i found a loose needlelike thing underneath im not so sure its supposed to be there that could be the problem if so where does this go