RedB66 "S t r e t c h" Cruiser

That is one sweet stretch man. Hey I have a question about your kick stand. When the kick stand is up, is it completely horizontal or does it hang a little?
That is one sweet stretch man. Hey I have a question about your kick stand. When the kick stand is up, is it completely horizontal or does it hang a little?

It is horizontal. One thing to keep in mind with these stands is that they are designed to hold the weight of the bike, Not bike and rider!! "Don't sit on the bike with the kick stand down". It puts too much stress on the mounting point.

This may sound like common sence but, "Commom sence is not so common".
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Nice paint! Nice mounting technique! Nice bike! I'm actually inspired to move my engine forward...but have to get longer chainspec.
RedB66, that is one sweet ride. I'm just getting to the finishing point with my Mustang GTS. All works well with custom mounts and the forward engine position and looks great. I mounted mine very similar. Did you ditch the rear 68 spoke wheel for another? Getting past the tire (rubbing and derailing chain) has been a large problem but I have turned the corner and made a spacer and went back to a stock 44 tooth sproket.
I had to reinforce the kick stand area by welding a piece of 1/4"x 1" steel to the frame. Much better now. Very well done Sir!
Started with a Micargi GTS Mustang. Added a few extras: Dual pull brake lever, push button clutch, K&N style air filter, Baby-Bee tail light with visor, 9volt headlamp with visor. Made the motor mounts myself, went with u-bolts to preserve the frame. I'm not too big on drilling holes through the frame and wasn't quite sure that the forward engine placement would work. So far so good. Ordered a Nitrous Kit mainly for cosmetic purposes, with the style air filter I have it should be an easy



hi red ,that is 1 sick lookin MB you made there. i got the same bike & was wondering if you had a spare set of engine mounts for the Micargi GTS Mustang , I have the exact same bike and have nothing but problems with the mounts im using right now (THE MOUNTS FROM SBP) and if not could you tell me where to get em ......i love the bike just hate the mounts i got right now please let me know a $$$$. .shft. SAVAGE

RedB66, is the one who initially designed this style of stretch cruiser mounts check out these two threads it's got information you may find helpful regarding what I call The REDB66 Stretch Cruiser Motor Mounts.

Notice: Stretch Cruiser Mounts Here's the Link for this one:

Just wanted to say easiest way to mount on stretch cruiser was first brought to my attention,

by: RedB66 who suggested the (Simpson A24 Strong Ties) available for about $2.00 a piece at your local home improvement stores.

Heres the Link to RedB66's updated stretch cruiser mounts:

From RedB66's above thread,
"Here's a couple pictures of the newest mounts I've been using. These mounts have evolved from u-bolts to muffler clamps and now roll bar clamps. They can be used on a number of larger frame tube applications. Total cost less than $20.

Keep in mind that my so called "Shop" consist of a good bench vice and a hack saw. Point being that these are pretty easy to make. The angle piece I use is a Simpson A24 construction tie.
Hope this helps you!

Peace Crazy Horse!

Peace Crazy Horse.
Re: New Tank Color

Started with a Micargi GTS Mustang. Added a few extras: Dual pull brake lever, push button clutch, K&N style air filter, Baby-Bee tail light with visor, 9volt headlamp with visor.

Made the motor mounts myself, went with u-bolts to preserve the frame. I'm not too big on drilling holes through the frame and wasn't quite sure that the forward engine placement would work. So far so good.

Ordered a Nitrous Kit mainly for cosmetic purposes, with the style air filter I have it should be an easy.

Took about one week to complete once I gathered all the parts. This is actually my second build.

It is "Nice to Ride", I get compliments everywhere I go and have had a couple offers for it....upwards of $900. "Not For Sale"....but I can build another one!!


RedB66, been a while since we've seen this build.

This is the build that got me Addicted to Motorized Bicycles!

Some here in the forum may or may not know, that it is your Motorized Stretch Cruiser Build in the top banner of the forum, if I only had a dollar for as many times as that picture above has been viewed, wow I'd have some big bucks!!!

For you folks who haven't seen the full size pic of RedB66''s Motorized Stretch Cruiser, yes the one in the Website Banner above main page here it is, again I owe it all to RedB66 for helping get me hooked on Motorized Bicycling! Thanks RedB66. To think it's almost been 4 years now since my addiction started, and there seems to be no turning back!

I'm sure there's 100's if not thousands that have viewed this build by RedB66, and been inspired! I know was and still am inspired!!!

This build is so clean and I know it wasn't an easy build but it seems such a classic Stretch Cruiser to use for a Custom Motorized Bicycle Build.

Here's the Picture below!

Peace Crazy Horse!
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