Updated "Stretch" cruiser mounts


Active Member
Here's a couple pictures of the newest mounts I've been using. These mounts have evolved from u-bolts to muffler clamps and now roll bar clamps. They can be used on a number of larger frame tube applications. Total cost less than $20.

Keep in mind that my so called "Shop" consist of a good bench vice and a hack saw. Point being that these are pretty easy to make. The angle piece I use is a Simpson A24 construction tie.

Source links
Buggy Billet Alum. Accessories - Page 1
A24 Angle - A24 at The Home Depot


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I like these mounts!!! Red why didn't you drill slots where the a24 and dune buggy brackets meet? That way you can adjust the engine laterally. I'm going to try during my build to compensate for the large rear wheel. I've got some 26x2.5 rims from an old honda that I've been dying to stick on a bicycle. Thanks for posting these by the way, a great way to solve a momentous mounting challenge as these stretch's tend to be. L8R.
I like these mounts!!! Red why didn't you drill slots where the a24 and dune buggy brackets meet? That way you can adjust the engine laterally. I'm going to try during my build to compensate for the large rear wheel. I've got some 26x2.5 rims from an old honda that I've been dying to stick on a bicycle. Thanks for posting these by the way, a great way to solve a momentous mounting challenge as these stretch's tend to be. L8R.

I guess you could but I have to have things perfectly centered. (it's an OCD thing..LOL) You can drill the holes wherever you need them.
I understand the OCD, I share that compulsion myself. It definitely shows in your builds. Also good choice on the Husky rims, I like them a lot and have used them for years. I always put 12g on the back and a big 11g on the front to handle bumps, always feels a little more solid every time I bottom out on these Florida road potholes!!!
Hey Red, hate to bug you again, but I have the same frame coming next week and was wondering what size buggy mounts you bought for yours? Are they different in size?, looks like it to me. Thanks.
Hey Red, hate to bug you again, but I have the same frame coming next week and was wondering what size buggy mounts you bought for yours? Are they different in size?, looks like it to me. Thanks.

They are both 1 3/4". The down tube is 1 3/4" but it is not exactly round. I had to shave a hair off the mount. The bottom tube is 1.66", just slightly larger than the 1 1/2" mount so I used a 1 3/4 mount and used some spliced gas line to make up the difference.
What do you think about these billets working on a MTB Diamond Frame bolted straight to the motor mount area? Would it work? :D
They are both 1 3/4". The down tube is 1 3/4" but it is not exactly round. I had to shave a hair off the mount. The bottom tube is 1.66", just slightly larger than the 1 1/2" mount so I used a 1 3/4 mount and used some spliced gas line to make up the difference.

Thanks Red, I'll keep my dremel handy!!!
What do you think about these billets working on a MTB Diamond Frame bolted straight to the motor mount area? Would it work? :D

Hey Aaron if the holes line up with the bolts on the engine you could use half of one of the billets. But otherwise you would need to fabricate something to line up the bolts between the engine and mount, maybe an "I" piece. Good Luck, billet mounts would work great on a Mountain Bike, maybe some rubber in between to dampen those dirt road conditions.
Hey Aaron if the holes line up with the bolts on the engine you could use half of one of the billets. But otherwise you would need to fabricate something to line up the bolts between the engine and mount, maybe an "I" piece. Good Luck, billet mounts would work great on a Mountain Bike, maybe some rubber in between to dampen those dirt road conditions.

That's what I was thinking something would have to be fabricated in between the motor and billet.I'm just wondering if Red's design with billets/strong ties would work out on a mountain bike frame.I only own wrenches,shop vise,saw,dremel to fab something up,so I'm not sure how that would go.Thanks Tad)
You could easily make smaller l shape brackets to fit in there. Just give yourself enough room to get to the bolts on each side. Now the question is, should the brackets go up or down, I think either would do, just play around with it and you find the best fitting. With Red's design the whole thing is based on holding the engine up. You could reverse the L brackets and hang the motor down, if there is room. I plan on making a rubber blocks to go in between the engine mounts and the A23 brackets. It will be a rubber sandwich, I'll mount a bar(cut from the A23) to the engine, then a 1/8 piece of rubber, then the A23 bracket, all with holes that line up with the engine mount screws.. It will give the engine some wiggle and not break the mounts.
These brackets can be used on numerous frames. If you look at the front mount it is just a piece of flat stock with a slight bend in it. The billet pieces have pre-drilled holes in them.

I drilled holes in the flat stock that matched the engines holes and then did the same for the bracket.

I'm not a fan of using rubber (Unless unavoidable). With these oily two strokes, my expierience has been that the rubber gives too much.

The long portion of the A24 allows for some flex (not by design!!) and helps cut down on the vibration.

The aluminum angle piece is purely aesthetic. I can't be riding around with this semi-circle hole showing!!
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Red,I'm gonna give your mounts a go on my MTB frame soon.I think what I'm going to do is order one 1 1/2 and 1 1/4 billet and a A24 stock.I'm pretty sure I can get the rear mounted straight onto the billet.Now the front mount is most likely going to require the A24 bracket but I'm not sure yet..Tad did you get your setup going yet?
I got my frame and started my build, but my rear wheel had a few broken spokes from my adapter slipping and pressing against them. So its in the shop getting fixed. But most importantly, I'm trying to decide what to cut these A24's with. I have a dremel and a jig saw and that's it. Red you say you used a hacksaw? I'm guessing with a carbide blade?
Hey guys, having my brackets cut at a metal shop. Figured it would be safer to let them cut them right, rather than messing it up myself. They have cut mounts and other stuff for me before, since I don't really have a workshop here at the house. So I should have it up and ready to be assembled in the next few days. I will be posting a build thread as soon as I start snapping pictures.

Hey Red, I can't seem to find the right bolts for the chrome buggy brackets, what size did you use, and what length? Sorry to keep bugging you.