Updated "Stretch" cruiser mounts

I'm not positve of the size... I took the mounts with me to the auto parts store and matched them up. I do know that they are only about a 3/4" long.
Hey, that points me in the right direction, I've been hitting up the hardware stores not the auto parts. I'll try pep boys today.
So I mounted up my engine and ran the chain, had to put a tensioner on top so the chain would clear the top part of the frame. Ran her around the block and she did fine. The next day I went halfway down the block and the engine got pulled back by a half an inch or so, mounts and all. The chain went loose and I had to pedal her back down the street. It sucks cause it pulled the muffler to where it touches the front frame, now I'm going to have to figure out how to get the engine pushed forward again and get it to stay. Red have you had this problem yet?
No I haven't. Pulled back? The front mount (actually both) need to be tight!! If there is any flex in the front mount you can double the plate or use a thicker material.
Doubled up the front mounts and everything is nice and firm now, also added some firmer rubber on the back mount. I had used fuel hose, but I think it was not firm enough to give good purchase. Test rides today!!!
Doubled up the front mounts and everything is nice and firm now, also added some firmer rubber on the back mount. I had used fuel hose, but I think it was not firm enough to give good purchase. Test rides today!!!

So how did it work for you? You replaced the "used fuel hose", what did you use?

plus where did you get matching color cables, ect? I am in the pursuit of all red cables for the build of my chopper....I'm knee deep now...but loving every minute.
So how did it work for you? You replaced the "used fuel hose", what did you use?


I used a plumbing piece, basically a rubber hose with clamps on either side. Cut the middle out and had two rubber rings with channels for the clamps. Worked good, but I could never get the mounts strong enough, but I was pulling some serious weight. I would suggest putting another clamp on the front mount right under the motor mount, or shorten the whole thing. But only if your pulling weight, I pulled a trailer and my weight(240lbs) so I was putting a lot more stress than the average person. Red did a great job coming up with these mounts, and the engine looks so right all the way up front! I'm even putting my new four stroke up front, right over the pedals.
Gotcha, everything you have is super helpful anyways...already bought the tube mounts and the strong ties...need a few more pieces and I'll be good to go.
The right side view is blocked by the chain ring.


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redb66...... thanks for the pic i saw what i needed. also i live in sacramenot ca and can not seem to find the clamps who did you get the clamps from and do you have a phone # so i could call and order them.