Normally I'm all about the "to each their own" thing... but honestly I gotta say this whole runnin w/o the end cap on the muffler is a annoying, ghetto, duct tape work-around at best and is
guaranteed to irritate even those that love these bikes... like me. If I had a neighbor that did that we'd have... problems.
It may sound "good" to the inexperienced, but to those that know performance engines it sounds like exactly what it is - broken.
If you
really want true performance and the sound of a healthy two stroke doin' it's thang, don't "cheap out" -
get a expansion chamber, not only will it have far, far more of a performance effect it'll not be nearly as dumb sounding. If you want performance and quiet (relative), get the SBP one, if you want performance and noise - get the Spooky Tooth one, if ya wanna save some dough - get some random pocket bike expansion offn eBay or w/e...
If ya wanna piss everyone off, sound like you don't know anythin' about two strokes, run way too lean & seize it or just get the bike impounded and work towards stricter regulation and laws pertaining to motorized bikes - go ahead and run w/o the endcap... but be glad I dunno where ya live lol
Before I saved up my pennies for the SBP system I did the "mod the baffles" & drill holes thing and it's true that it provides a slight increase in power as the stock system is overly restrictive, while it was only marginally louder - there also wasn't nearly the power increase that an expansion chamber provides. As a proper expansion chamber is actually an integral component to a two stroke's combustion cycle - I consider it a "missing part" that should be included with the kit but isn't because of their low cost. Recently I pulled the expansion chamber off my bike and put the modded stock one back on and it's night and day - my bike's a freakin' dog now, it feels like I'm pullin' a heavily laden trailer.
So much for my attempt at savin' a few bucks by swappin' exhaust systems - I'm defo gonna hafta kick out for another one from SBP for my new build, modded or otherwise - stock sux