I started building this bike over 20 years ago. John at Banzai Machine had just completed a bike and I took this one to his shop to get the motor mounts welded into the frame. His partner, Roger, says "where's mine", so I gave it to him. We have been trading stuff for years and were good friends, so I had no problem giving it up. Roger tacked it all together and got it running. He lightened the flywheel so much it had way to much acceleration and engine impulses making it too uncomfortable to ride. He had me store it with a couple of other bicycles and told me if anything happened to him just keep them. He passed on a few years later and it sat in my shed for an appropriate grieving period. I wanted to ride it as a tribute to Roger so I put a stock weight flywheel on it and cut down a guard to fit. He had a tank mounted lever engaged clutch on it for a Whizzer type drive train. The 8hp seemed to slip the belts so I changed it over to chain final drive with a modified 3rd Millennium auto clutch and a 72 tooth rear sprocket. Now it was a pleasure to ride.This is what it looked like for years and I rode it off and on to Donut Derelicts.
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