This is ridiculous. Today I push the bike out of the garage, turn on the petcock, fuel runs everywhere. Take the carb off and this is what I see...
So I pull the float out of the original carb and swap it in. Then I go up to Home Depot. The bike ran like it did when I started this thread, but after a while it got going up to 23mph. So the high point of my day was that we were probably on the right track with the "fuel in the crankcase" theory.
But when I leave Home Depot I take one pedal stroke on the bike and the pedal chain comes off. I look at the back wheel and I'd taken off with the cable lock still on the rear. That broke (probably a good thing) but it was wrapped around the hub. After a couple of tries I get it out of there and get the chain back on. The bike ran acceptable on the way home. I can't wait till tomorrow and see what new tricks it has up it's kazoo.
I tell ya boys, I ain't feeling any love from this thing. I should have called it a GL48 because it's taking the Hardly Davison thing way to seriously.