

New Member
How does your engines do in rainy weather? Has anyone had any mechanical/safety issues arise from riding a motored bike in the rain? Sorry if this has been asked already....
I think the only ones that really have trouble riding in the rain are the friction drive folks. I think they get lots of slippage............................
Just watch where your CDI wires come out of the mag side of the case. Seal that well with some RTV silicone.
I had water get into my mag one time and lost fire....a little WD-40 and it fired right up.

Like Godfather say's, a little RTV around the rubber seal....that's what I determined the water came from. But since then I also RTV the mag cover.

Some engines have a rubber grommet, some have a plastic cap with a hole in it, and some have nothing but the hole in the case.

I seal them all.
Sometimes more is NOT better! I know a guy that had the bright idea to seal his cdi with JB Weld. He broke a wire and tried to take it apart and wound up breaking it. Me.
Sooo, Don't break an egg with a sledge hammer. Later Tramp (c)
I would seal where the wires go into the CDI as well. Just a smear of silicone ought to do it. Don't forget to make sure your electrical connections are water tight as well. Some type of "liquid electrical tape" oughta work, as well as some more silicone.

I need to seal up my motor soon. No gasket on the mag cover, and I don't want to fry the new mag.