As DV option is to get one of our CB-110, (bore size), adapters that has the same island bolt circle as the Occ. The bolt circle for the Occ style adapter is 3-5/8". The standard adapters are 3-1/8". I am working on a batch of the Occ CB's for Pirate Cycles now.
Originally I had to make the bolt circle larger for the Occ because the flange that the spokes attach to is larger in diameter. This bolt circle is also good for wheels with heavy gauge spokes.
I you look at it as though the spokes weren't there, you can see that the adapter you have would work other words the islands would pass by the flange with no problem.
The problem is the spokes.
CH is right...if you re-lace your wheel to a 3-cross pattern, the problem will be solved. If you can do it yourself; it will be the least expensive, fastest way to get going. The 4-cross pattern requires longer spokes, so the originals will have to be cut and re-threaded, or you will have to determine the length and try to find the correct length spokes.
As Kevlarr mentioned: If the amount of interference was slight, you could get away with filing a little bit of metal off of the islands. This would be true for the CB-110 with 12Ga. spokes. Looking at yours, I think you would have to take too much off which will ultimately render the adapter useless. The islands are tapered, and must remain tapered for strength.