Question about fuel/Oil Ratio's and carb intake tube


New Member
This is my first Skyhawk engine. Its a 49cc by US standards, 66cc by Foreign. I've been putting engine on bikes for 35 years now and I have learned to listen to those who have gone before me. The manual says 16:1 on the recommended fuel/oil mix during break in, then 25:1 after. I have a friend that has over 2000 miles on his right now- still going strong without major problems. He kept his at 16:1, but he has a very oily engine assembly and has to clean out the muffler once in a while. What do you all recommend after break in?

The first long ride I took, the blasted carburetor blew off the tube during throttle down only. It did it repeatedly on this trip regardless of how tight I got the bolt. My carb. tube is chromed. I found that this made it really slick with the fuel/oil. The solution I found was to remove the tube, sand the chrome down and install the carb on the tube THEN put it back on the engine. Anyone else have this happen?
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heard of the flying carbs on here and one of the solutions is a small screw into the flange on the carb into the manifold,kind of a stop pin
The carburetor to intake manifold area needs to be sealed with a gasoline resistant sealer for an air tight connection. I've had good luck with a product called Seal-All, available at most auto parts stores. If you use a silicone based sealer such as RTV gasket sealer, read the lable first. Most of them will say "not for use with gasoline". They'll seal okay initially but the gas will soften and dilute them into a sticky mess that will not seal. I'd shy away from drilling holes. That would make just one more place to get a leak.

Heed this advice on fuel mix: Quote from Nougat: (16:1 ratio is if you use SAE30 oil, like they do in east Asia. With proper 2-cycle oil, use 24:1 for break in and 32:1 after that. If you're using fancy 2-cycle oil, follow the recommendations of the oil manufacturer.)

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