What makes Walmart bikes unsafe is not the frame. The bikes are often assembled wrong. The brakes are unfit without an engine. The spokes and rims are too light. The wheel baring suck
I've seen some nice builds on "Walmart" type bikes, but they are what they are & Wayne as well as others have touched on several negatives with good reason. That said check every thing twice and then again before or after each ride to see if something is about to fall off. I'm serious. Blue thread locker should be used on fastener threads, this is the medium strength. Don't use the high strength thread locker 'cause you need to heat with a torch to break these loose. Replace parts with better parts when you can afford them, same goes for adding or upgrading tires/tubes, wheels & brakes to front disk brakes especially if you ride fast. Eventually every part that comes on these "Walmart" bikes you'll need & want to replace, if you ride a lot over a period of time. If this bike is your primary form of transport replace and add parts before it leaves you stranded, injured or both.
Oh yeah I hate to admit it , but I've a twenty plus year old Kent steel 21 speed mountain bike that still rides great just a pedal bike but got a lot of miles on it...no real problems with it over the years, no suspension and rim brakes front and rear no motor in it's future though.
Rick C.