Well, looks like my days of riding my bikes around town may be over, at least for now. I certainly knew they were numbered from the start. Finally got pulled over today on my 66cc OCC Stingray. I was about 100 feet from my house and had been riding for about 20 seconds and looked behind me to see flashing lights. Cop was nice about it and said he thought it was really cool, but he also told me I have to get it plated as a moped. After calling the liscence plate agency, dmv, and dot for about a week (apparently they are only open from 8am to 10am monday, wednesday, and Thursday.... -_-), I was finally able to talk to someone who told me that they don't do bicycles with engines on them, but that mine sounded like it was powerful enough to consider helping me out. He told me to bring him pictures of the bike before going any further so here I am. Not sure what I need to do to the bike before I take these pictures since I want to have the best shot at him giving me the green light. So just a heads up to anyone in NC. Also make sure you tell em its 48cc. Anything over is a motorcycle in North Carolina. Also no gears allowed, or clutch - although clutch is not as noticeable. If anyone knows anything about what I should to I'd really appreciate it! I'll be sure to keep yall updated when I find out more. For now, I've gotta stick to riding on a dirt road located 20 minutes from my house. Sucks because I have to borrow my buddy's truck just to get the bikes out there. With my luck I'll probably get told the dirt road is still a road and my vehicle still has to be plated and I need a spark arrestor to drive in the woods haha. But at the end of the day I guess it could always be worse! For now I'll stick to trying the figure out what parts I need to put this shift kit together.