I'll send the doc to you via email tomorrow. I'm about to head out on a trip.
Hey Jess" I managed to figure it out! had to download the link you provided to USB device then plug it into all in one printer. just would not work from computer"
I'll send the doc to you via email tomorrow. I'm about to head out on a trip.
yup" I was stopped by Pinellas park,Fl police and cited for operating a motor vehicle with no DL and having a motor vehicle on the sidewalk! I was temporarily on the side walk coasting because there was no room in the street and no bike lane to ride in" so I intend to plead not guilty because as I understand it these are NOT classified as Motor vehicles and are NOT required to be registered by the state of Florida. I will let you all know what happens" Otherwise if you do not here back from me It will likely be that I`am in Jail since I have been unemployed for over 2 yrs I cannot pay these fines anyway . Funny I have been riding this every day for the last 5 yrs and had no problems until i got to Pinellas park.
"Sidewalk riding
(Section 316.2065(10) and (11), F.S.)
A person propelling a vehicle by human power upon and along a sidewalk, or across a roadway upon and along a crosswalk, has all the rights and duties applicable to a pedestrian under the same circumstances.
Comment: Sidewalks are not designed for bicycle speeds, but a bicycle propelled by human power may be used except where prohibited by local ordinance (e.g. in the central business districts of many cities). No bicycle may be propelled by other than human power on a sidewalk. Although a cyclist riding on a sidewalk has the rights and duties of a pedestrian, he is still a "bicycle rider" and his bicycle is still a "bicycle". Consequently, laws that pertain to required equipment and to carriage of passengers (see above) are still applicable."
Driving on a shared-use path or sidewalk
(Section 316.1995, F.S.)
arrow No person shall drive any vehicle other than by human power upon a bicycle path, sidewalk, or sidewalk area, except upon a permanent or duly authorized temporary driveway.
our motobike thing is grey area. if you follow these threads in florida you will see that every county has it's own take on it.
i spoke with my local tax office & they contacted the sherrifs dept.
they said as long as it was "cough cough" 50cc or smaller.
i'm in a rural area & it makes sence. we have no form of public transportation.
i also work in the next county on an indian reservation.
all sorts of 2 & 4 strokes fly down the side of the road @ full speed almost as much as cars do.
more if it wasn't for the casino.
they are considered as "rez rides"
Pinellas Park Police.
Ah memories.....
BTW- was the bike running? Or were you peddling with the engine off?
Well, I wish you the best of luck in court. Be calm and courteous, say "your Honor" when you speak to the judge and explain why you were on the sidewalk.
this has gone past traffic court! it is in appeal to a pretrial hearing before the jury as stated before.
From your lack of response to my question, I'm guessing you had the motor running for at least a tiny bit while on the sidewalk..
If you were "under power" going through the intersection, and the cop in the pickup saw that, he most likely assumed you still had it running when you hit the sidewalk.
Good luck.
IF the OP had cut power after crossing the intersection and had started pedaling, it probably would have ended differently..
That's what I'm saying. Nothing more, nothing less.
We're not saying, you deserve to be ticketed, we're just stating what the perception of the officer probably was.
The violation would be:
s. 316.1995 – Driving upon Sidewalk or Bicycle Path
(1) No person shall drive any vehicle other than by human power upon a bicycle path, sidewalk ….
(3) This section does not apply to motorized wheelchairs.
A violation of this section is a noncriminal traffic infraction, punishable as a moving violation as provided in chapter 318.
The statutory penalty would probably be:
FS 318.18* Amount of penalties
(3)(a)**Except as otherwise provided in this section, $60 for all moving violations not requiring a mandatory appearance.
There would be additional court costs that could be $100 or more.* You should check with your local law enforcement agency for more information.
My lawyer has the ticket and I cannot remember what the citation # is But I do remember it was for 166.00 and was for a motor vehicle on the sidewalk! this statute you have here does it also include segways?????No one said you were endangering anyone..
I found this for you though
What was the statute written on the ticket..
I believe this is the ticket?
So it looks like a $60 ticket, not a $166 one..
Did the officer have a front cam? He would have to PROVE that you were under power (I.e. Motor running) while you were on the sidewalk...
Without that, it's a he said/she said kinda thing..
If you cut the engine before going on the sidewalk, the officer has no case against you, at least in my opinion.