Pulled Over in Grant Florida

It doesn't require human power to operate your bicycle, it's required to START the engine..
You, twisting the throttle with your hand, would not constituteuu "human power" anyways...
I have emailed the DMV person about this issue and see what they say, in the morning..

In Ron's case, they wouldn't allow the DMV document, either as physical evidence, nor anecdotal evidence. That's the main problem he had...
I don't see how a judge can not allow evidence that the DMV actually puts out as information regarding bicycle and gas engine kits and registration, as the DMV is the one that administrates it!
That's going to be your biggest hurdle!
And that's why I asked about pre-trial motions, if that's even possible..
Because if they don't allow that FLHSMV information, you're pretty much screwed.
The self propelled argument and/or the "motorized bicycle as defined in s316.003(2)" won't and can't help you either.
That DMV document is the key. Without that.. You might as well bend over and take it. LOL

If you think they're interested in justice, you'd be mistaken, they're interested in how much money, in fines and court costs, they can extort from you.

In my opinion, your only other recourse, if they don't allow that document, would be the fact of the conflicting information in the various statutes and by that very nature, should cast reasonable doubt on any jury.
Seriously, have a very long discussion with your public defender / lawyer about ALL your options.
Maybe he can come up with even more options..
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So says the guy that stands up for the Nit*** that believes
that a jury makes the law!! har har hardy har har
these post have great entertainment value but that's it LOL
There's a third one? Oh,picklefishes thread is #3? I guess I need to read all of them. I thought he was bashing him,oops. I might have been overmedicating again.
Better over than under haha:) yea after following all the posts
I'm starting to wonder if their not the same person, easy 2 get a second handle here
Ha ha ha ha ha! High-larious!

The same person? That's just bogus. Everybody telling him he was wrong so he makes another profile so SOMEONE is on his side? Pitiful.
Ha ha ha ha ha! High-larious!

The same person? That's just bogus. Everybody telling him he was wrong so he makes another profile so SOMEONE is on his side? Pitiful. laff
I'm giving arguments for both sides of the issue..
Facts, so far...
1.) Ron had his motor running, while on the sidewalk.
2.) Ron had no DL
3.) He lost in trial, by Jury.
4.) He, unfortunately, can't afford to appeal his case.
5.) He wasn't allowed to have the DMV information as evidence.
6.) Pickle is in the same boat, with No DL
7.) I am giving my ideas and opinions on all these issues.
8.) I'm sure most of the people who have their "homemade mopeds", aren't "strictly" following the needed equipment that the state would require. But they were able to get them through the system, so let them have their cake and eat it to, what do I care?
(It was just an observation).
9.) Most people are aware that the judicial system is mostly a joke and a way for most municipalities to generate revenue.
(Which would be great, but as most people know, it gets just ridiculous at times.)
10.) Laws should be made to protect the general populous from others who would try to prevent their life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
(Isn't that what our country is based on?)
11.) The more I read and watch on TV and the Internet, the more I realize that "The Establishment" is there more for lining the pockets of those actually IN the establishment, rather than for the people as a whole.