Maybe I did not make it clear before so will try once more" I had been riding this bike for 5 yrs in Florida everyday to get back and forth to work and never had any issues till i moved to Pinellas park in 2010, then all of a sudden I get stopped minding my own business the first two times i was in the bike lane, the second being when i was told to get it on the sidewalk from a cop in the same PD how bizarre is that? the officer that told me to do this never got out of the cruiser, I`am sure that if the cop though these Motorized bikes where motor vehicles she would not have told me to do this in the first place, so then a few months later i choose to go on the sidewalk for a few hundred feet to avoid being hit by traffic because of that fact there was NO bike Lane in this particular spot, I never used to ride on the sidewalk before but since a POLICE Woman told me to do it i thought i was o:k" so i get stopped by this third cop who writes me a ticket for driving a motor vehicle on the sidewalk and operating a motor vehicle without a license! so i decided to fight it since as we know the law regarding these is very vague using the argument that the DMV regards these as bicycles even after the kit is installed and since i have NO DUI on my record i figured i had a better chance of winning than some one who has a DUI? so the ticket for driving without a license carries a jail sentence allows me by law to take to a jury trial(a ticket for operating a motor vehicle on the side walk cannot be taken to a jury as it does NOT carry jail time) So if i win the case before a jury then the operating a mv on the side walk would become void , so we get it to trial and my main evidence being the letter from the DMV is not allowed by the judge even though it was notarized" the judge claims it is hearsay because it is not known who wrote it, then the judge instructs my lawyer he cannot ask the cop certain questions such as if there is a dash cam video, if so where is it? so i asked my lawyer to put me on the stand and i will bring it up as i am allowed to add comments that he cannot so what actually took place was and argument with the prosecutor and my lawyer how these gas bikes apply to section 316 so in short that is all the prosecution had along with the cops testimony , even though i personally brought up the statement from the DMV and mentioned it was very odd there was no video show the truth the state somehow pulled it off. I will agree i got screwed but it is irrelevant now, as a jury of 6 has voted on it" You need a drivers license ! these are considered to be Motor vehicles! Now the only thing we can do is try to change the law OR maybe a hot shot attorney who wants to make a name for him or herself and takes this issue to a higher court And i don`t see any here willing to do that? if there is i would be happy to help provide any info as possible to help but until then it is what it is!