Proposal: Motorized Bikes to be Called "Riquimbili"

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motovelo... motovelo... motovelo... yes, it has a good sound to it and it sort of means something, i think...

Hey.......just rig a spark plug in the tail pipe :eek: "Riquimolotov's Comet"

I can just imagine a flamethrower exhaust on a 2 stroke. That oughta cause any junk yard dog ta wet the bed.
i propose that we (1) immediately adopt the word "Riquimbili" in all future reference to motorized bicycles, or (2) hold a contest to come up with a name for this movement. what say you?

!Viva la Revolución!

I personnaly like the word,correct me if im wrong but I believe it means "not bicycle,not motorcycle",
I cant tell people what to call thier rides but I have no problem amigo.
Im gonna go take a ride on my riqimbili and get a cerveza!!!dance1
When we are hungry some people get a grinder,some a Hero,some a sub. Do we get hung up on how we order it or are we happy eating it? I have a small Harley sticker on my down tube,ya know some people feel its thier mission in life to remind me that its not one (as if I didnt know) I sometimes jokingly refer to my MB as my harley,Im sure the HD corp. isnt having a fit over it. are the Yankees losing sleep because people wear thier caps who dont play on the team? I am sure I will sleep just fine tonight knowing that different people refer to thier MB's differently......Its a Bike with a Motor,....Build,Ride,be Safe,HAVE FUN.....If you built it,call it what you like,your OK in my book
just call it what it is
a RENEKBKE ( red nek a bke)(red neck bike)
maby i should make it flow better
national no cross that WORLDWIDE movement
ok now call it the worldoped
too close to dope
the pedop
too close to bunny (floppy ears)
ok fine motovelo you win
means engine and velo (in ittily after world war II a small plane manufacture created the first moped nice and shiny too used plane skin sheeat metal stuff anyway he caled it the vespa (italian for wasp cuz it was quiet but still emited a buz) TRUE STORY GOOGLE IT TRUE STORY TRUE STORY
somehow you warped it into velo
so it should be motominyvespa
mouthfull darn
ok motominny
ok i vote for motespa like motor and scooter can't find a way to inclued bike without makeing it sound like a motocycle
we should call it the moto+cycle
with the +
so we differnet
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I just want to know why it's not pronounced "ric-im-billie"

Uh, also, where is the accent placed in this word?

'Round here, we'll probably end up callin' 'em 'hickn' billies".

I know, it's just me.

I like Hick N billie better, it ads the american twist ......that may stick,I say run with it!!!!
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