Pot dispensing machines in San Diego

It'll never happen here, we legalized it recently for medicinal purpose but they are still milling over how to regulate it..It's going to be tough to get a card here.

Never say never. As soon as other states see how many millions in tax $$$ Colorado starts raking in they'll change their tune.
Good point. I remember an internet meme comic; it was a picture of downtown seattle washington on a foggy morning. And the caption was "seattle: the day after marijuana" I laughed a bit too much at it I think, looking back.
Hey F Rod 81, You live in Colorado don't they already sell the stuff over the counter?

As for selling things around the vending machines, little one hitter pipes and boxes of chocolate mint cookies like the girl scout cookies.

This is turning into the stoner corner.

It's fully legal here, the state is figuring out the limits/laws pertaining to the goods. Right now only existing red card holders can get weed from the dispensaries. Anybody over 21 will be able to buy it from anywhere in Colorado sometime after September of this year. It will be just like a liquor store but for pot. (^)

The vending machine would just be an added bonus for convenience...
Well darn it. I'm going to be in Pueblo this spring and again maybe in August if I go to Sturgis again.
The last trip to Sturgs we stopped in Denver to let the bikes cool off after being stuck in traffic and over 100* temps. While waiting for the bikes to cool off I noticed we had parked right in one of those medical weed shops, but they were closed, didn't matter anyway none of us had a medical card.
After all these years of it being illegal, now some states are making it legal I wonder how long before more make it that way?