

New Member
i was riding today and at low speed when i hit the gas it would cut out and pop and then i would have to feather it so it wouldent stall but then at high speed it would rip nicely i dont know what is causeing this?
Fiddling with the idle set screw wouldn't have any effect save at just idle speed... so I wonder if perhaps you have a leak and/or yer fuel air mix is off. marts1 may be right - but also check to see if yer choke is messin' with you, some of them are known to move around a bit while yer riding.

Check your head & base gaskets for an oily discoloration near them & check the torque on the head bolts, also check the intake manifold where the carb mounts & flange to the motor. Pull the plug and check it's coloration - it outa be a nice tan, not unlike coffee w/some cream in it. If it's black - yer too rich and need to adjust the clip on the needle by moving it "up" (away frm pointy end), if it's gray or white - yer too lean and ya need to move the clip down. "Stock" setting is usually 2nd slot down.

Once alla that is squared away if yer still havin' problems give us a shout ;)
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Check your plug. Sounds like the tip may be broke or loose.It happened to me.

Ditto - always check the plug first. Could prevent some major issue (too lean, holed piston in the future), or find that it's the plug itself.
yea so i was riding today and it was running like crap either way i turned my idle screw it would bog out and i also took the plug out set the gap and sanded it to see if that would do anything but nope. i drilled one 1/8 inch hole in the exhaust and it still dident do a thing why is this happening!!:-||
I would move the clip up a notch like Pablo said , if your plug is wet and dark moving the clip will only help. then report your results and go from there. you should really try one thing at a time when trying to resolve problems then u wont have to guess what solved it.
yea thats true but hey thanks again guys i appriciate the help i hope this works so i can get back on the road ill get back to you around this time tomarrow
yep you guys were right i moved the clip up one notch and she rips now:] just need oto tune the carb in a bit more and it will be running better these thing love to bog or is it just mine?