Police took my bike away

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New Member
Mar 20, 2008
I used it for over a year in this small town, even drove past the cop shop every day but this guy knew I was under suspension and must have had a bad day. I'd seen him and cut engine (as always) but he said my engine must have been on because he saw my chain moving. He had followed me for three blocks while I peddled. First words out of his mouth were "I'm seizing that bike".
By the time I got to court he changed his story and said motor was hot and he heard the engine- all lies but I guess he realized that his "chain turning " comment was stupid.
In court they dropped it to "drive without licence" adding another $500 fine to my unpaid fines.
Next day I went and bought an electric Izip and hated it within 10 minutes. I was no longer able to go for my dirt road site seeing tours and could only use it to go to town and back because it's only good for an hour or so.
I've spent the last 3 months wondering what to do and am waiting on a clutch for a push trailer that I will make to go along with a nice Honda motor I have.
Anyhow, it's been hard not having my happy time and with winter here, my electric hates the cold and I've been thinking that it's time to put an engine on this bike. I could use the battery in town and use the engine for "off -roading".
If I were to move my battery box, this would leave me tons of room, about 6 inches, giving me room for that jackshaft idea that I believe I read about here.
This will also let me leave the original electric drive line alone that is on the left side of rear wheel. (chain and sprocket)
I could even use the plastic battery box for a gas tank holder/hider and mount the batteries on a rear rack.
The only thing I'm not sure of is if the frame has enough room because of the way it's built.
I have 13 1/2 inches from bottom of frame to the crossbar (at the seatpost) but if the engine is 10 inches from front mount to rear, that would only leave me about 6 inches of space from top to bottom, ( at seatpost)
Do you think it will fit?



New Member
Mar 20, 2008
Lindsay, Ontario. "drive while disqualified" allows vehicle to be seized, although I'd say it happens once out of every 1000 police stops.
I just had a look at your link, you are the one with that jackshaft! Best idea I've seen in a long time! What is the price?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2008
Here's my opinion, and I'm not meaning to disrespect you.

Ride your IZip as is, and pay your fines. After you're done with that, then consider motorizing whatever.

That cop KNOWS you have unpaid fines. That's probably why he looks for you. Whatever you build, he will have it confiscated. He knows you're having fun with your motored bike, so he'll take that from you.

Are you making an honest attempt towards paying your fines? If so, they'll respect you and leave you alone. If not, you will lose your toys as soon as they see you.

BTW, how old are you?


New Member
Mar 20, 2008
Let's just say that my last two car driving charges were both for the amount of $12,500 and I've been charged about 20 times, enough to pay off a house in cash. Even if I were to send them $1000 per month, I could not get the licence back for around 13 years. By that time I would be 64 years old.
It all started with one running a yellow light ticket that I did not pay and the years flew by. It's like a giant snowball rolling down a hill.


New Member
Nov 13, 2008
Hawthorne CA
$12,500!!!! Holy Moly!!! I'd say move to another country and stick to the man. Can you go to court and get your fines reduced, file for bankruptcy maybe?


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2008
The fact that you were charged 20 times says it all.

Brother, you need to spend some time writing letters to the courts, public attorneys, congressmen, whomever will listen to you and settle this once and for all. No one should live with this gigantic monkey on their back, and it's not going to go away.:(

It CAN be done. Stop playing with your toys and don't buy ANYthing else. Focus entirely on this problem until it's resolved.

Somewhere along the way common sense will prevail and justice will be served.

But then again, your courts know you better than we do.

Nothing personal, my fellow Motored Biker.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2008
Documentation such as registered letters and emails hold up in court and show a sincere effort to comply and resolve the issue.

Much better than "he said, she said" and "Did I/he/they say that? No, I believe you misunderstood/misinterpreted me/him/them."


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2008
Pablo and toytime, when EVERYTHING gets documented, no one yanks your chain.

Then everyone abides by the letter of the law, instead of how they feel at that particular time, place and situation.

When everyone including toytime becomes accountable, this will be resolved one way or another.

Best-case scenario is that your fines are deleted, you do community service and you get your license reinstated.

Worst-case scenario is that you will be making monthly payments until the day you die, and you NEVER get your license back.

However, even in the worst possible outcome, you will have closure.

No one should have to live with this hanging over them.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2008
Jim, I agree that cops COULD be doing other police work than hassling motorized bikers.

However, THIS case is PERSONAL for that officer. That lawman has it in for toytime.
Sep 20, 2008
Clearwater, FL
I certainly hope that this "lawman" can sleep well knowing he deprived someone of simple transportation! Confiscating a bicycle that had to be built...It's ridiculous! If I were in law enforcement I couldn't do it! I might say walk it out of my sight, just to keep my Dudley-Do-Right thing going...but take it away...no way!!!

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Sep 20, 2008
Clearwater, FL
The fact that you were charged 20 times says it all.

Brother, you need to spend some time writing letters to the courts, public attorneys, congressmen, whomever will listen to you and settle this once and for all. No one should live with this gigantic monkey on their back, and it's not going to go away.:(

It CAN be done. Stop playing with your toys and don't buy ANYthing else. Focus entirely on this problem until it's resolved.

Somewhere along the way common sense will prevail and justice will be served.

But then again, your courts know you better than we do.

Nothing personal, my fellow Motored Biker.
Aside from the injustice of it all, 5-7HEAVEN is absolutely right! Make a fuss...take care of it! It might be a real pain, but you need to clear this up before too much time goes by. You may be surprised that it's not that difficult once you get proactive.



Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2008
Yeah Jim, I'm like you. I'd probably tell toytime I never want to see him on any of his toys.

"When you see me coming, get out of my sight."

Sep 20, 2008
Clearwater, FL
Yeah, this thread hits a nerve!

When my son was 14, he was caught shooting a stop sign with a BB gun...The cop wrote it up as "FIRING A DEADLY MISSLE". My son the terrorist...LOL.

I pitched a fit...didn't pay the $65.00 fine FOR FIRING A DEADLY MISSLE, and went to court.

The judge reprimanded the cop...Yes I have the original police report if anyone would like a good laugh!!!

I didn't have to pay anything!



New Member
Jul 15, 2008
OC, Ca
Own up or shut up is what my dad always said. If I didn't own up to what I did, I could not say anything about the reproccussions. The fines seem astronomical, but it sure beats having to spend time in jail. This cop knows others, and they do talk. It will only be a matter of time before they all target you because they know you're doing something wrong. They will sleep better because they know they're doing their jobs. You won't get any sleep because your behind bars. This isn't too far off with the way things are going for you toyman.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2008
I came from a small town.

Ya can't get away with ANYTHING. They know where you live, work, hang out...everything.

You can dodge cops in a large metropolis...

but why?
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