I am relativaley new to motorised bicyles and i have had a 48cc chinese kit on a hardtail mountain bike for about a year i have had to replace various parts on it just last week i blew the head gasket.
Now for my second build i am planning on putting a pocket bike/cag engine on a bicycle i am not sure what kind of bike i will use yet i have a few lying around at the moment but i was wondering what gearing should i use if i am using a 26 inch wheel top speed doesnt matter to me that much it would be more take off speed i am intrested in and if it would be able to do 25mph i would be happy just to clarify i have not bought an engine but i think i will go with a pocket bike one as i can get a new one off of ebay for about i also like the idea of a centrifugal clutch, thanks in advance

Now for my second build i am planning on putting a pocket bike/cag engine on a bicycle i am not sure what kind of bike i will use yet i have a few lying around at the moment but i was wondering what gearing should i use if i am using a 26 inch wheel top speed doesnt matter to me that much it would be more take off speed i am intrested in and if it would be able to do 25mph i would be happy just to clarify i have not bought an engine but i think i will go with a pocket bike one as i can get a new one off of ebay for about i also like the idea of a centrifugal clutch, thanks in advance