Outlaws in NJ

Hi Jersy, I got this from NJDMV web site (http://www.state.nj.us/mvc/Licenses/MotorizedBicycle.htm;Motorized bicycle )(moped) license
Moped Manual [pdf]
Motorcycle Manual [pdf]
A motorized bicycle (moped) is defined by law as a pedal bicycle with a helper motor, electric or gas-powered, capable of a maximum speed of no more than 25 miles per hour on a flat surface. A moped has a maximum displacement of less than 50 cubic centimeters (no more than 1.5 brake horsepower).

How to get a moped license
You must be at least 15 years old
Visit an MVC Agency to complete an application for a moped permit.
Pass the 6 Point ID Verification
Pay $5 examination permit fee
Pass the knowledge and vision tests to validate your permit. Study by reading the Driver Manual and Motorcycle Manual [524k pdf]
You must practice with a permit for at least 20 days before being eligible to take the road test
If you pass the road test, take your permit, ride slip and score sheet to an MVC Agency to receive your license and pay the $6 license fee

Possible reasons you can fail the road test
You lack the equipment required by state regulations
Have no helmet
Have unapproved goggles or face shield
Your horn cannot be heard from at least 100 feet away
by true definition of moped my modified bicycle is not a moped. But i suppose NJ decided to take it upon themselves to redefine the definition of a moped.
Question: Is it illegal to use a moped in East Greenwich Township?
Answer: NJ Moped laws state you be at least 15 years old to get a moped permit.
After you pass a written test. you can drive during daylight hours only.
After you pass a road test you get a permanent moped license. Any one that has
an automobile license can drive a moped with no special license. You must wear a helmet,
have a registration, insurance and license plate. Insurance is $78.00 a year at this time.
Pedals required, 25mph maximum speed and 1.5 brake horsepower.
This law was effective in June of 1983.

My question is what constitutes 1.5 brake horsepower,

I don't see any cc specs in this one ?

^5 Hey ! I'm Mad AS **** And I'm Not Going To Take Any More !!

how do you register a modified bicycle wouldn't it require the bicycle to have a VIN number and a title of which i have neither.
I'm gonna go slightly off topic but follow my thinking here: one possible scenario is that the state has deliberately created a Catch-22.
A long time ago the State of Arizona shocked the nation when it offered tax stamps on illegal drugs and herbs. Their claim was that if you had the proper stamps for your stash, the state couldn't seize your property and any other assets (claiming unpaid taxes on your stash). On the surface this seems like an extraordinary kindness extended by "The Man" but it was a sinister way of getting gullible people who trusted in government to incriminate themselves.
Sometimes it is better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission.
I'm gonna go slightly off topic but follow my thinking here: one possible scenario is that the state has deliberately created a Catch-22.
A long time ago the State of Arizona shocked the nation when it offered tax stamps on illegal drugs and herbs. Their claim was that if you had the proper stamps for your stash, the state couldn't seize your property and any other assets (claiming unpaid taxes on your stash). On the surface this seems like an extraordinary kindness extended by "The Man" but it was a sinister way of getting gullible people who trusted in government to incriminate themselves.
Sometimes it is better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission.

i remember that sillyness and imagine that how many people really fell for that but im just going to give them the serial # off of my 47 schwinn and say its a moped and see what happens dnut
Love that...."welcome to the gang outlaw."

I live in NY state. I definitely can say I get a little nervous riding down the road but a couple things have helped me:

First, get mirrors. On your glasses or the handle bars or both. If they catch you with the engine on, your busted. Watch and be quick with the kill switch. And always ghost pedal on flats and up hills....looks natural and doesn't draw attention. Plus a little cardio work out never hurt anyone (except Isaac Hayes, may he RIP)

Second, stay at a perceived normal speed. If you are going 35 down the road, you are going to attract attention for sure between the engine whine and smoke. Plus you kinda stand out going that fast. Not to mention you won't have time to discreetly hit the kill switch.

Third, keep everything in perspective....whats the worst that can happen? They impound your bike? Chances are they will let you go with a warning the first time, but even if you get cited and impounded, look at all the money you saved in gas....Hey, you can afford it!

So have fun but just keep it sane and safe. With some good common sense, maybe we can fly under the radar for a while....it would be a shame if we got a bad rap and got publicly banned or something. :ride2:

Hi radmanfly,
you know i was just thinking about what you said, when i stumbled on you message.
i Live in Queens NY, and i have just finished my motorized Schwinn. this thing is an eye catcher to begin with, without an engine running, so imagine riding in with the noise and the smoke.LOL
I'm thinking to find a way to make it legal, that way, i don't have to worry about citation or being impounded!!! that's a big NO NO.i didn't build this beauty, to have it taken away from me!
Cheers, and enjoy .shft.
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i remember that sillyness and imagine that how many people really fell for that but im just going to give them the serial # off of my 47 schwinn and say its a moped and see what happens dnut
Hi skipu,
that is a brilliant idea!!!!
give them the serial #, say it's a moped that you bought from a junk yard, and that you don't have the title. maybe they will consider it as a salvage title and issue you a new one, and you will be on the road to legalize your ride!!!!
Hi skipu,
that is a brilliant idea!!!!
give them the serial #, say it's a moped that you bought from a junk yard, and that you don't have the title. maybe they will consider it as a salvage title and issue you a new one, and you will be on the road to legalize your ride!!!!

its worth a shot ive almost been nailed 3 times this week! one time = i do not condone this but i had a 6 pack in me just going a few blocks but would not have been pretty and they know me well around here. they stop by and say hello sometimes lol!!! i just say how ya doin buddy like ive known them for years a couple of them i have known for years especially now days i have 5 bikes i have to ride!!!! yes im an addict !!!.wee..wee..wee..wee..wee. and this is what my hood looks like and people are catching on around here
just got back from a 10 mile blast and no boy scouts out today i love it when i go riding and dont have to feel worried and nervous it makes it that much more enjoyable cant wait till its warm out down here because i did freeze my arse off today have a good one guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep ridin !!!!!!!!!!!
i recently called thhe dmv and asked what was requiered. they said that they do not measure the engine or topspeed....they are 66cc

the bike would be easy to register except they ask for paperwork

does anyone know what paperwork they need?
Hi skipu,
that is a brilliant idea!!!!
give them the serial #, say it's a moped that you bought from a junk yard, and that you don't have the title. maybe they will consider it as a salvage title and issue you a new one, and you will be on the road to legalize your ride!!!!

I considered that also but the problem is that you once you submit the paperwork, you have to go to 1 of 3 special NJ DMV's where they inspect the vehicle(bike) to make sure it meets all dot regs. They require ANY salvaged,rebuilt or specialty built vehicle to be inspected prior to registration. But your main problem is that if you get your title with the vin of the "salvaged" moped, when you go to get inspected the numbers wont match the bikes.
Sorry guys....
Im actually trying to get a tiltle issued now for my MB. search my posts if your interested in following the process. Hopefully be legal very soon!!!
I really dont have to, but my bike looks like a chopper and tends to draw stares. I just dont want any trouble from mr. fuzz. I do have insurance on it right now, just incase i do get pulled over, i got 2 of 3 requirments, my license and insurance (lacking registration/plate). And once I hopefully get my title, all ill have to do is register the thing.
I got the packet in the mail yesterday from the DMV for a Title for a Specialty Constructed Vehical and the standards that my bike or moped as by defined by the state has to pass is crazy.
To get a title, I have to show a Manufacturer Certificate of Origin for the bike. Bikes dont come with freakin MCO'S, just the reciept from the store, so I registered my bike with the Nationl Bike Registry and got a certificate of ownership....hope its enough.
For the engine, I have to provide documentation from the manufacturer to establish proof of the year of the engine. So fot that, I will use the sticker i made with the pic u gave me.......thanks!!!
Also Needed is all reciepts/invoices for all parts used in the vehicles construction. You must provide color photos or tracings of the VIN# on both the engine and frame, and color photos of the entire vehicle capturing all angles of the bike including the instrument panel. Photos can't cut off any portion of the bike.
After all of that fun, you must Fill out all paperwork, a 60 dollar check to DMV and send everything off to the state for them to review. Then they call you and schedual an appointment at a special DMV site where they inspect the bike and either approve you and u get the title, or deny you and you lose the title and the 60 bucks you sent. Im going to try and take a stab at gettin the title, i got nuthing to lose. If I dont recieve a title and registration, it wont stop me from still cruzin......just take those back roads.......
Since I built my bike from scratch I still have to put some more work into it before i bring it to the state for them to inspect. Still need to buy dot approved head/taillight, turn signals, license plate light and horn. Not to mention the 12 volt battery i need to wire all the stuff up to..... Speaking of..... Where can i find wiring diagrams so that i dont blow bulbs and stuff. Every time i hook a battery up, i blow sumthing or it goes dead in 5 mins.....Homemade systems are tough
why would u get paperwork, it's a bike with a motor i drive mine all over nobody bothers me.

ive been harrassed in nj no tickets yet! and i think you would get paperwork just to have something to stand on just in case remember jersey is like a different country in the united states. place is filled with lawmakers that are grasping at straws to find a way to make money. they tried to pass a law here last week that would have made you register and and put plates on a bicycle F THEM if it aint bad enough with all there helmet bull ****! a law like that would have made people stop buying bikes because of the hassle and local bike shops would have felt the end of the whip dance1
Yea my friend is getting a kit and he was saying they were trying to pass that law. But I don't think they did. How would I get paperwork anyway don't u need a title? Mopeds need titles
yes it would have i would never give them the satisfaction might as well out run em and if you do get caught pay the fines every time i see the man my middle finger gets a boner !!!
Yea this state sucks if u hear anything more about the law let me know thanks
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When they say 1.5 HP braking power, they mean when you are using the brakes the horsepower of the bike can't overcome the breaking power. I live in NJ as well and it is a royal Pain in the Butt to try and title a Motor Bike. I have everything required by law for a moped; Headlight, Tail lights, mirrors, pedal brake and front brake, turn signals, helmet, and a horn. The good news is NJ no longer does inspection of motorcycles or mopeds. So no one is going to know what size motor you have, unless its obvious. Try and find an EPA label for a 48cc and slap it on your clutch cover.
Bcheney, that's a common misunderstanding and not w/o cause as it's... close but not quite how brake horsepower is rated;

Brake horsepower (bhp) is the measure of an engine's horsepower before the loss in power caused by the gearbox, alternator, differential, water pump, and other auxiliary components such as power steering pump, muffled exhaust system, etc. Brake refers to a device which was used to load an engine and hold it at a desired RPM. During testing, the output torque and rotational speed were measured to determine the brake horsepower.
Brake Horsepower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In fact the whole concept of "horsepower" and how it's viewed can be more than a lil headache inducing lol Horsepower - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia