Ontario Bike Engine Owners

It may be different there than in washington st. but if you just wear a bike helmet and safety glasses. Stop for the red lights etc. most cops everywhere will leave you alone. They look for the helmet first, eye protection second.
Last week a cop on lakeshore drive here in Penticton pulled over a 16 year old kid and gave him a $40 fine (bicycle cop) for not wearing a helmet on his pedal bike. My son in law asked the cop half hour later why he didnt pull over 2 groups of adults a ticket--he said the law is discretionary according to what the cop thinks and said if youve got a problem complain to city hall (who write their cheques ) what a load of ****
I see guys on road bikes just slow down and go through red lights in town all the time.I guess that is OK?

That story about the guy in Kitchener was in the KW record today

TheRecord.com - Opinions - The rules of the road can be strange indeed

It was a Moped......a different animal all together. I can see why the charges.

I am sure you could get nailed but if you cannot register the bike or use it to get the class M license for a LSM what do you do? That would be the so called "grey area" I would think?

. Almost $600 in fines ? I love to see how buddy managed to concur that up. I would of fought it I hope he is to. It's not a motorcycle. You can not register the bike either. I think I know who got pulled over to. He is on facebook in Chris hill's group I think.
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Its the motor...not "green" like electric.

You make some good points though. Just a wait and see type situation I guess.

Til then I guess we all should take our Ford Superduty trucks to get something at the corner store.That's only if your wife has the Hummer that day.

They probably have better mileage on them the most cars on the road.
you know if i slow down or do aney thing diferent from what i was dooing in the first place they seem to go out of ther way to stop me? if ijust drive on stick to my routeene they leave well enough alone i mean its not like they dont know whoes bikes they are
In regards to motorized vehicle classification when you add a gas powered engine to your bike. I know for a fact that currently without an engine on my bike, I fall into the motorized vehicle category. If you are drunk and are riding your bicycle and a cop pulls you over and you blow over. Guess what, there goes your license. So as someone in this thread may have mentioned, drive responsibly and follow the rules. Here in Kingston we don't have a rule for helmets on a bicycle unless your under 16. I am however not caring about any cops in my area, they have more things to worry about here than me on my helpless bike. I hope that when I put on my bike it becomes a blast during those times I am lazy. But I am also hoping that an engine between my legs does not interfere with pedaling the bike normally. I'll attach a pic of the bike I am going to use for my engine.


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After minor research I have discovered that you still require a M license in Ontario.

M-----Motorcycles, including a limited-speed motorcycle (motor scooter) and a motor-assisted bicycle (moped)Holders may also drive a Class G vehicle under the conditions that apply to a class G1 license holder.
Since this thread was started over a year ago, I'm just wondering if anyone has any new updates on the current legality of our MBs in Ontario? I live in the same city that Chris Hill does so I guess I could call him, but I read on this forum that he has either toned down or stopped selling his kits because of the U.S.A. and Canadian import barriers for these engines. Back to the main point....

Anyways, last summer I used to see tons of MB around the city and although it's still early in the season especially here in Canada I've only seen 2 guys on their MBs this spring and we've had over a month of good riding weather already. I wonder if the cops in Ontario have finally began to crack down on the MBs this year due to some new legislation. I plan on using my MB once it's all together to commute to work to save on gas (and just for fun too :)). It would really be unfortunate if I couldn't. *sigh*

So, does anyone know what the real dealie is in Ontario?
meowy84 if you read the post directly above your, I posted it yesterday. You require a class M license to drive with a bike and engine.
to correct previous response, you require Motorcycle Low Speed M (L)
approx. $56 to get your M1. So you can risk it yourself, when you do the course and get your M (L) he only indication you get is on your license so they won't know unless they pull you over. So basically if your not going to go and get it, just obey the laws when you see them. Should be fine. However you do not require the M(L) for offroad use.
Thanks for that info...now what about insurance? I talked to one local guy last summer and he said that he's been pulled over before but no tickets were issued and he said he just tells the cops that he can't get his MB insured in Ontario because of the lack of make/model/VIN number and classification. He could only get insurance on it as part of his home-owner's policy. Do you know if any of that has changed? I have a good driving record and a low rate on my car insurance and if I have to get the darn MB insured and pay $200/yr (approximately what a moped costs to insure in Ontario according to my insurance company) then it's not worth it to me for the short riding season in Ontario and I'll just continue driving my car to work.