deacon minor bike philosopher Apr 17, 2008 #21 bare the way to have our lady bike model pose for the new logo.
Bikeguy Joe Godfather of Motorized Bicycles Apr 17, 2008 #22 bark, what the dogs do when they see you on your bike.
Pablo Master Bike Builder & Forum Sponsor Apr 17, 2008 #23 mark - what is left when you hit the pavement
Ilikeabikea Active Member Apr 17, 2008 #25 Perk, is what I wish the coffee would finish doing this morning................
Pablo Master Bike Builder & Forum Sponsor Apr 17, 2008 #26 Pork - it's what's for dinner. The other white meat.
deacon minor bike philosopher Apr 17, 2008 #37 jest .. I said it in jest but he thought I was serious, yes that's how I got the black eye.
Ilikeabikea Active Member Apr 17, 2008 #38 Test, what deacon is always doing with one of his motorized bicycle ideas.............
F fireopal New Member Apr 17, 2008 #40 BEST go and find big joe because he indicated that rest was in his mind too.