One of you go getters


minor bike philosopher
Needs to print up some bright orange tee shirts that say something like. BIKE BUILDER or YES I BUILT IT on them. Then put them in the swap shot at a reasonable price. It's coming on summer...
I can put just about anything you want on a t-shirt for the right price (about 12.95 post paid.)
cool I want an orange one for the summer I'll figure out what I want and get back with you.
Orange? How about red?

White is best!

Now a good saying......

"Stay off my ass....I'm still building this thing"

"I have more labor hours in this bike than your car is worth"

"My bike is an honor student"

"My other bike has a motor too"

"Powered by China, with USA oil smoke"

"If you are reading this shirt, I'm in front of you!"

"Racing to work on my rice paddy with my Chinese bike"

" - the real reality show"


"Hang on, this is all it has"

How about "Don't honk or Rufus will turn lose the flyin monkeys"
or "I may be slow but I'm in front of you"
I kind of like" 100 MPG how about you"
I'm thinking of using a sprocket and the words "" for a shirt. I need to go get some paint.rotfl
Joe I took a bike sprocket sprayed it with grey primer then slaped it on a dark tee shirt then used a paint pen and did kind of what you've got there. I need to get an embrodery hoop to do it right but its cheap and it will work. I could take a picture of it but I'm lazy today and took a break form yard work. I'll soon be back at fighting the yard and what lives in it.
DJ that is very nice. But I think people will look at that and think we are a gang?! I do like the design of the lettering.
Just messing around this morning...

I like this idea, I would include Deacons "I built mine did you?". Since I changed computers my Photoshop program is usless, this would be a quicky on there. I'm in for a shirt, please don't forget us fat guys when ordering:D...Kelly
not sure if you noticed the new banner on top. i would like to get shirts made with that on them
It had to be pointed out to me. I am in such a hurry to see what is posted i never even noticed the last one.