Old Jag new tricks


I just thought id share this. my old Jag but Ive done a few things to it
flipped the jug and piston( Thanks Norman for the idea )
Ported the transfer ports to match the case
Trimmed the piston
Matched the intake and output ports
Flybytaco made the screw on intake so i could do the 90" intake which is just a brass fitting (thanks Rich)
sbp air filter, front mount and shift kit
Acme clutch upgrade
New pipe that came from eBay with a home made mount
Monarch forks that were upgraded
New used wheels
Sturmy archer front hub
lay back seat post I made
new bars from a swap meet
new tires (not sure if i like them or not)may go back to the old black ones
It runs great ,almost seems to run better now than before, But it could be me just liking it better.I got a couple of bugs to work out but I like it much better than the old Jag.( http://motorbicycling.com/f15/new-jag-7866.html ) hope you like it .



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Sayyyyy...that fuel tank looks familiar :)
As always Scott, you do good work. I liked it when it was new; now its old/new and I like it even better. Thanks for sharing.
just can't beat the backwards motor!

Dont think i didnt read all your posts before doing this. you deserve a big thanks too. The thing does seems to run better though. I dont know if its the porting or the pipe or all of the above. I'm getting the cant push it back thing too. what is that ?got to be something with the porting or more compression? I did lap the head and jug which would be a little more compression. Its either that or its getting more gulps of air with the ports opened up. Got me.. I sure like the way the pipe sounds. It kinda cracks but not much more than the stock pipe.wee. oh and thanks for the compliments guys
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how well does it start? i've done 2 backwards motors, and both of them require alot more pedaling to kick them over, while normal motors with the same porting, lapping, etc mods fire right up with no effort.

just curious if yours is the same.
It seems to be a little harder to kick over but seems to always fire on the first kick .knock on wood.It did burn out a cdi the first day i got it going but i think thats a coincidence.
Do you still have that Jag? Mines still on the road and it's my second favorite bike. I put a banana seat on it a while back but otherwise it looks just like when you saw it. It has a little over 800 miles on it and runs great. It's prettier than the Norton Jag and gets good comments whenever I ride it.
Wish you'd bring a bike on your next trip to Denver. I'll take you on some of the trails I ride. I might even find a cold beer for you when we get back :)
Tom yep still got the jag .I have to have some thing to keep busy on during the winter months. my next trip out just may be a permanent one (or semi permanent .. with my gypsy wife ill never know where i am in the winter...?) but we are seriously considering a move to Arvada got to get the house on the market soon we havent lived here in almost a year and i sure hate paying for a empty house
We will see... I sure hope so.... I love Co.
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Tom yep still got the jag .I have to have some thing to keep busy on during the winter months. my next trip out just may be a permanent one (or semi permanent .. with my gypsy wife ill never know where i am in the winter...?) but we are seriously considering a move to Arvada got to get the house on the market soon we havent lived her in almost a year and i sure hate paying forr an empty house
We will see I sure hope so.... I love Co.

Heya Joe, I just bought the same tank for my ride and was wondering if you had a clear photo of your rear tank mount. The one pic I can barely see it on intrigues me alot.You do very fine work and I can only hope to make my rear mount half as appealing as yours is. Thank you in advance for all your help.
I will see if i can get a pic for you. The rear mount has two holes for a mount stock.So i used a 1 1/4 u- bolt from the bottom up and put a plate on it with two holes to match the u-bolt. To cover that plate I found an old spark plug cover from a worn out old gen-set I had laying around and basically safety wired that rubber cover around the plate with copper wire.. Just one of those things you find and think i could use that... sorry for the crappy cell pics


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