Ohio Sucks



New Member
Jun 3, 2008
Hey guys, I am dying to buy or build one of these gas motorized bikes. Love everything about them and looks like a fun project.

The problem is that they are clearly illegal here in Ohio according to the Digest of Ohio Motor Vehicle Laws (I live in Columbus). Is there anyone out there from Ohio who rides one of these regularly anyway? How does the local law enforcement react? Any citations?

I'm leaning towards maybe going electric to try and not draw as much attention. Comments/opinions are valued.



Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Kalamazoo, MI
welcome to the site. we have lots of members that live in ohio and ride motorized bicycles. bikeguyjoe one of our moderators is also from ohio. hopefully one of them respond.


New Member
Mar 4, 2008
Westport, MA
It looks like motorized bikes are recognized in Ohio according to this:

Moped Information

The problem with mopeds is that there is a list of "approved" vehicles. However, a motorized bike being custom built would not fall into this list. I don't know how a motorized bike would be handled by the DMV. Anybody register in Ohio????

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Active Member
Jan 27, 2008
Ptown, Texas
Welcome to forum. Lots of Ohio motorized bicycle enthusiasts here. Bikeguyjoe will give you the skinny on Ohio law. He's the goto guy in Ahia.:D Glad you joined us..........................


New Member
Jun 3, 2008
It looks like motorized bikes are recognized in Ohio according to this:

Moped Information

The problem with mopeds is that there is a list of "approved" vehicles. However, a motorized bike being custom built would not fall into this list. I don't know how a motorized bike would be handled by the DMV. Anybody register in Ohio????

Yah thats one of the same sources I referred to in another post I replied to:


I guess I know they're illegal, the question is really more towards whether Ohio law enforcement is actually enforcing it or not? Wanted to know if anyone has been harrassed by police or received citations for riding a gas motor assisted bicycle on a public road.



New Member
May 28, 2008
north bend wa.
NOW IS TIME TO STRIKE with gas prices skyrocketing and the pressure on local, state and federal governments. your voice could indeed carry serious clout to change idiot laws like these. if not now, when?

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
I ride in Ahia all the time and have never been hassled. I ride on some main U.S. Routes and into a couple of very small cities....even down the State Park roads where the rangers just wave.

There is a difference between mopeds and motor assisted bicycles....
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Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
Anyhow, as I read that Ohio Revised code, as long as you are 18 or older, and have a valid drivers lisence, you are good to go. What sucks about that, unless your lisence has been suspended?


New Member
Jun 3, 2008
Anyhow, as I read that Ohio Revised code, as long as you are 18 or older, and have a valid drivers lisence, you are good to go. What sucks about that, unless your lisence has been suspended?
No, the Ohio Revised Code excerpt quoted in this thread is only a very small part of the entire puzzle. If you go on to read the "Digest Of Ohio Motor Vehicle Laws" and the Ohio BMV moped regulations, you'll find a hellstorm of ridiculous rules and regulations surrounding motorized bicycles (mopeds).

Ohio has a very short list of commercial manufactured motorized bicycles (mopeds) that are actually allowed on public roadways which appear to intentionally exclude any kit bikes. Also, motorized bicycles require registration with the BMV (which means you need a VIN), license plate, and a host of safety equipment installed on the vehicle.

See this post:



Feb 22, 2008
My guess would be to go to the legal section in this forum and ask there. You may have better luck at the legal section. And..If anyone else from Ohio needs to know, that is where they will go most likely. And they will find your thread and others that will help them. That is where I would go if I needed legal help. I would go to the legal section. But..That is me.


New Member
Jun 3, 2008
IT is titled Laws and legislation. Did you try there? Hopefully bicycles are not outlawed in your state. We can only hope...
Well...bicycles are not outlawed, just motorized bicycles appear to be very heavily regulated. Unfortunately, Ohio is a very conservative state.

After hearing from BikeGuy Joe, I am going to take my chances as well. I already made a small investment and ordered the cheap 80cc kit off Ebay this morning. I'll paint the engine to match the frame color of my bike to not draw as much attention. I'll keep it around 25 mph and cut the engine if I see cops. I'm not too concerned at this point about them aggresively enforcing the statute. Given $4+/gal gas prices, I hope they will understand.

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
Ghost pedal and cut the bicycile motor if you see da fuzz.

I'm gonna ride until they take it away from me, which isn't likely to happen anytime soon. I live in the boonies with U.S. Rote 6 running through the middle of nowhere....lots of state patrol though.


New Member
Jun 8, 2008

Dear all, I will be around to follow up on this. I will also have a more definative idea later.

Unfortunately, in a lot of places these bikes are illegal or restricted. I dont understand why a small 33cc golden eagle bicycle kit would not be allowed in some states. it is not fair to people who enjoy riding a bicycle, but because of bad knees or what ever- they have to give the hobby up. mopeds are great, but only if you are capable of coming up with the money. what it cost to buy a moped, most people have to set aside for emergency money. lot of people are just too poor or hard up to even buy something that will save them money.

Strange thing is that those little bike kits arent given the same consideration as the electric ones. electric is good, but not always feasable.

I do know one thing. Our main stream society really doesnt like motored bikes or mopeds. A lot of states pass discouraging laws for that reason..

They say the majority rules this country. I think that the "majority rules" thing stinks. A closed minded majority runs our country while the silent minority continues to shut up.

There is absolutely no reason why every state couldnt be open to a small 33cc bicycle engine for older or not such good of shape people who just dont want to give up cycling.
Furthermore, a country that has such manipulative legislation to bring about desired social results, is not a free country.....

Oh well, i guess you have deny some freedoms for the benefit of so called safety and the convienance of drivers and pedestrians who dont like having motored bicyclists around.....

We really should band together and change this. There is no reason that a small 33cc engine kit could not be considered a consumer product just like the electric kits.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot! anything powered by gas is classified as a motor vehicle.....
Does that mean a hedge trimmer is not a consumer product and therefore needs a liscense plate in order to trim a damn bush!?

Think about. Our apathy has alot to do with why we not a real free country, among other things.



New Member
May 28, 2008
north bend wa.
it is a motoredbike!!! all polotics are local. after reading the laws, i suggest ask about a local politician that might be automatically on your side and show what you drive and press for what we want. or try to talk to your ombudsmen, the radio station you like or tv station. also you can go to the news paper. all have a person that take up causes and find answers. we are with you, by the hundred of thousands. so get at it, start something!! ride on mitch---print up some stickers or buttons, but do something, go to the college paper or radio, there are stories on this blog that you can copy. later


New Member
Jun 8, 2008
I may have good news for you guys. In ohio there is a business that sells mopeds. They also have a motored bicycle that is gas powered. Looks like what you guys ride. I dont know if he still has any for sure, but I think he does. You guys being his customers will hopefully keep that ball rolling. I checked the ohio digest and found that his motor kit is on the approved list "Wildfire 26". Anyway go to wildfiremotors.com. His business is located in Ohio. You could sell your old kits and buy his to put on your bikes.

Hope I was of help getting you guys legal.


p.s- his complete bike is just a touch over $500 dollars-includes disc brakes and small generator for lights.


New Member
Nov 16, 2008
I live in Ohio. As I understand it a motorized bicycle or motor assistance bicycle (either way) is classified as a moped as long as its less than 50cc, has a max speed of 20MPH, and has no more than 1 brake horsepower. Pretty strict regulations. So you have to meet certain equipment requirements (turn signals, brake light, 100ft horn, etc.). Anything over 50cc, 1 brake HP, or 20MPH is legally considered a motorcycle in Ohio so you'd have to have your motorcycle permit or license. Then you have to meet stricter equipment standards, but not much stricter than a moped. As someone said earlier, you could probably register you're moped motorized bike as a Wildfire. My dad owns a Wildfire "Truck" tricky finding someone to insure them. As for a motorcycle motorized bike, well if you have a Honda or Robin-Subaru engine on it you could probably register it under the engine model. As for the popular generic Chinese two-strokes, I'm not quite sure how that could work. Possibly name it after the company you bought the engine from such as Golden Eagle 80cc.

I'm not quite clear as to the "meeting the list of qualified vehicles" I see no reason why it could not be added to the list as long as you meet all their listed equipment requirements. If you wanna suck up you could get one of those catalytic converter mufflers and add a little bit of alcohol to the gas (just for the test, none after) and get an emissions test and pass it. Moped manufacturers and motorcycle manufacturers must have to have their vehicle added to the list, and I see no legal reason why a large corporation could get an approval but a normal citizen couldn't. Then the trick is finding an insurance company to insure it. My dad found one to insure the Wildfire "Truck" and that thing looks way more awkward than a motorized bicycle, so I'm sure some insurance company will insure your bike.

I'm in the planning phase to build my own "motorcycle" motorized bicycle. I haven't had to opportunity to ride one yet. Once I get mine built I plan on doing everything possible to get it registered and street legal. There are all kinds of loopholes in the law. Even if I can't get it registered, I'll still ride it. Hit the kill switch when I see a cop, and flip a secret kill switch under the seat. Have the officer flip the visible handle bar killswitch and try to start it and it does nothing. "Sorry officer, I just thought it'd look cool having an engine mounted on my bike even though it doesn't run. Sorry to waste your time." :)

Page 22 (28 out of 84) for Motorized Bicycle Classifications
Page 23 (29 out of 84) for Moped Required Equipment.
Page 18 (24 out of 84) for Motorcycle Required Equipment.

I forgot about the motor themselves. I believe for on-road use the motor would have to be EPA and/or (not sure which ) C.A.R.B approved. I'd assume that leaves most of the generic two-strokes out, but I'm not sure. I believe the Honda GX35 is approved though, so thats what I plan to use.
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